11 Signs They Are A True Friend

Sep 10, 2018 by apost team

True friends are an increasingly rare and precious gem. Even in this modern age of interconnectedness, it's hard to find someone you can really put your faith in. Even if you think you've found the right friend this time, how do you really know that this person is worth your time and effort?

11 Ways to Know Your Friendship's True


#1: Their Acceptance Means Their Acceptance, No Matter What


A true friend isn't always out to change you—they take you for yourself, the good and the bad. They might even like some of your quirks as much as they like your best habits! What's most important to them is that you feel safe being you.

#2: Forget the Fair Weather and Set Sail Together


When things get rough, they're going to have your back, no matter what. They won't ditch out just because you're facing some hardship, and they're the one who weathers the storm with you—they never make you feel like you're a burden.

#3: True Pride in and Praise for Your Success


They treat your accomplishments like their accomplishments. There's no petty jealousy between you, or meaningless praise coming from them, and they won't try to tear you down for achieving something they haven't. Instead, they're proud of you for what you've done, and you'll know they mean it when they tell you so.

#4: They Make You Comfortable and They Know You Like No One Else


You can tell a true friend anything—and in fact, you usually do! Things you might not feel comfortable telling most people you know are much easier to tell them, and you'll often find yourself sharing cherished memories and embarrassing stories alike. You have no secrets from them!

#5: It's A Mutual Relationship, They Meet You Halfway


When you're with them, you won't always feel obligated to reach out to them. They try to keep up with you and make an effort to stay in contact even when they're away. You'll never feel like you have to chase them down for quality time, because they'll be doing the asking just as often as you are.

#6: They're Rejuvenating, Not Draining


After you're with them, you come away feeling like you've recharged your batteries to max capacity, instead of like you've spent all your energy on someone you barely know. A true friend will make you feel good about yourself when you're together, and that will stay with you when you're apart!

#7: Total Honesty With You is Their Byword


Sometimes it sucks to hear the truth about ourselves, but they always know how important that is. They won't ever lie to you, or tell you things you want to hear—true friends will be completely honest with you, about anything and everything.

#8: A Willingness to Forgive, and Not Exaggerate the Issues


If you make a mistake, you make a mistake—a true friend won't dwell on it, and they won't force you to dwell on it either. They'll talk through their issues with you, find a way to forgive you, and put the past behind them to focus on moving forward in your friendship.

#9: You Can Trust Them to be True


They're not going to go around spreading gossip and rumors. If they have something to say to you, they'll say it to your face instead of taking chunks out of your reputation when you're not around to defend yourself. Hashing things out with you is their preferred method of handling a situation, after all!

#10: They Know How to Share A Friend


You won't see them getting territorial—sure, they love spending time with you, but a true friend knows that you'll have other people around you who want your time and attention. Their faith in your friendship has a rock solid foundation, and they won't feel insecure when you make other friends or do things without them.

#11: You Share an Abundance of Memories and Inside Jokes


Even a sly reference to one of your many in-jokes is guaranteed to send the both of you into peals of laughter. You've been together for so long that you've built up a treasure trove of amazing memories and good times together, and you're both looking forward to making many more

If you have a true friend, it's important to let them know how you feel. Take some time to really think about your friendships and these eleven signs, then make sure that your real friends know how much you care. We'd love to hear about your true friends as well!