105-Year-Old Man Goes To Hospital To Be With 100-Year-Old Wife On 80th Wedding Anniversary

Jan 03, 2020 by apost team

As couples get older, they often find that time spent together is at a hospital or at a nursing facility instead of at home. One 105-year-old man visited his 100-year-old wife while she was in the hospital, and the sweet moment was seen by their entire family.

Arthur and Marcia Jacobs are among the oldest couples in the country. They still show that they love each other every day even though their health is fading. They recently spent their 80th wedding anniversary in a hospital room because Marcia was a patient.They were surrounded by their children and grandchildren as Arthur held his wife's hand and talked to her.


Marcia doesn't communicate as well as she once did, and she doesn't always understand what's going on around her. However, you can see her smile light up a room when her husband holds her hand and talks to her about their home and their life together.

"I loved you for 80 years honey.. That’s a long time," Arthur is heard saying in the video.

While Arthur held Marcia's hands, she appeared as though she wanted to talk to him. Unfortunately, she was unable to do so and only looked at her husband with loving eyes. The trick that he thought of worked for a short time because it seemed as though she was her old self.

Watch as a loving couple spends time celebrating their anniversary by showing that love knows no obstacles.

Arthur told Marcia that he loved her, and she tried to mouth back the same words. She knew exactly who was talking to her even though she couldn't respond. Are you also crying like we are? Do you know any other similar couple? Tell us what you are feeling after watching this and pass this beautiful love story on to your friends and family!