10 Ways To Use Baby Wipes That Don’t Involve Changing Diapers
Apr 26, 2018 by apost team
Parents have baby wipes everywhere. You’ll find packages in your bedroom, the car, the diaper bag, and under the couch. Baby wipes are versatile and perfect for cleaning up messes.
You can use baby wipes for anything from wiping faces to cleaning up a mess. They are hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, soft and cheap. Each wipe costs a few pennies, especially if you buy in bulk. But did you know there are different genius ways to use them?
Even experienced parents will be surprised by these 10 extra ways to use baby wipes!
1. Remove Marker and Crayon
When your child gets a little too excited drawing pictures, a baby wipe takes the crayon or marker right off of a table or the floor. You might have to scrub just a bit, but baby wipes remove the marks almost every time.
2. Wiping Noses
Blowing and wiping noses can make for a sore nose. Try wiping your child’s nose with a wipe instead. The wipe is even safe and gentle enough to blow a nose into.
3. Clean the Bathroom
Don’t take out all the cleaning supplies if you just want to wipe down the surfaces quickly. You can use a baby wipe to clean any surface from the toilets to the bathtub.
4. Remove Deodorant Stains
Who doesn’t love putting on a clean shirt only to notice a huge deodorant stain down the side? Rubbing the stain with a baby wipe removes it almost immediately.
5. Hide Flyaways
Frizzy hair is no one’s friend. If your hair seems a bit whacky today, wipe your hair with a baby wipe to keep them in the right place.
6. Clean DVDs and CDs
Kids inevitably get finger marks all over the DVDs and CDs in the cabinet. Don’t wipe it on your shirt because that can lead to scratches. Just clean it off with a baby wipe!
7. Carpet Stains
Your spilled wine will come out of your new carpet with the help of a baby wipe. Lay the wipe over the stain, put a towel on top and step on it to soak up everything. It helps to remove the stain as well!
8. Cleaning Hardwood Surfaces
If you are out of hardwood cleaner, a baby wipe is gentle enough for hardwood. Many other products could potentially damage the surface, but not a wipe.
9. Coffee Stains
As you get ready for work, you splash coffee down the front of your shirt. Don’t worry! Soak up the coffee with a baby wipe. Rub a bit and the coffee should come right out without leaving a huge, wet patch.
10. Marks on Photographs
If you accidentally get pen or something else on your picture, use a baby wipe to remove the stain. They are gentle and won’t ruin the picture, yet the pen mark is gone.
You won’t look at that simple pack of baby wipes the same way age. Get that pack of wipes and start finding other ways to use them! Let your friends know all of these creative ways to use baby wipes. They’ll be just as surprised as you!