10 Warning Signs That You Are in a Relationship With A Manipulative Man and How to Escape

Jul 04, 2018 by apost team

Manipulative people can be seen all around the world. Sometimes we never see them coming. People can be very good at concealing their manipulative behavior. In relationships, it is crucial to identify manipulative individuals immediately so you can walk away before they become too attached. A manipulative individual can negatively impact a person's life if that person is unaware of the consequences of living with a controlling person. If you get into a relationship with a manipulative guy and can not find an easy way out, get some help before he turns aggressive. You can protect your heart and self-esteem by looking out for the following warning signs:

 1. He is always playing the victim card

 Chances are he is going to play you out as the abusive and manipulative one in the relationship. He will quickly become jealous of your actions and claim that you are victimizing him. When he blames you for being abusive, he is asking you to love him more than you should.


2. He comes up with an excuse to justify his actions

Every time he makes you mad or makes a wrong decision, he is going to make an excuse to justify his bad behavior. Over time he may repeat some of the excuses or use an excuse that doesn't make sense. If he realizes that he is running out of excuses or you try to argue with him about the legitimacy of his excuses, he may turn violent. Most all of his excuses will be planned.

3. He doesn't pay any attention to your feelings

He will always treat you like dirt. He doesn't care about your feelings or emotions. He will make you feel like you are not allowed to have feelings; like somehow they don't matter.

4. He quickly changes the subject when you ask him personal questions

He does not want to open up to you about his life. He does not want to reveal his deepest secrets. It could take years to learn the smallest detail about his personal life. He does not want you to feel like you are an important person in his life.

5. He will put you down

He will put you down so that he can feel better about himself. He wants you to make you feel as vulnerable as possible so that he remains in control of the relationship. He will use this tactic as a way of getting you to "need him." He wants you to get his approval for anything and everything.

6. He will make you feel bad for having guy friends

He doesn't want to share you with any other guys. He wants your full, undivided attention all the time. He may outright tell you that he does not want you spending time with any other guys. He will make you feel guilty about spending time with other guys. But he will keep in touch with other female friends.

7. He treats you like a princess in public, but he treats you like garbage at home

In reality, he's a bad boyfriend/husband. But he doesn't want anyone else to know that. Whenever you guys leave the house, he is going to treat you well so that people will think he is a great partner. But behind closed doors, he treats you like a worthless human being.

8. He will never make you feel safe

He is never going to give you that emotional security you have been craving. Instead, he is going to make you feel like you need to remain in your current relationship to stay safe. He will make you fear for the future of your relationship.

9. He will lie to protect himself

A manipulative male does not care about the truth. He will lie to protect himself.

10. He will make you feel like you need him to survive

He wants you to think of him as your protector. He will boast about all the things he has done for you; like somehow, you owe him.

Do you agree with the statements in this article? What other warning signs have you noticed while in a relationship with a manipulative man? We would love to hear about them and if you found this article helpful, consider sending it to all of your female friends. These are warning signs that every female in a relationship should recognize.