10 Signs Your Relationship Might Last Forever
Dec 17, 2018 by apost team
When we start dating someone, our minds usually trick us into thinking it’s forever – even if all the signs are pointing differently. How can you know if your relationship is doomed to fail or one that’s going to last until death do you part? We’ve put together a list of ten things that will reveal whether you’re in this for the long run or if the flame is about to burn out.
1. Keeping the House in Order.

When you’re visiting your boy- or girl-friend, pay close attention to their house and the way that it is kept in order. If you’re a clean freak and your partner is a slob, how will you work that out? While it may seem like nothing can tear you apart now, realistically consider how you can stand a lifetime of muddy footprints on the floor and dirty socks on the carpet. Try not to brush these things off thinking that your partner will change after marriage; instead, take them as they are and consider how you could handle a relationship if they never change.

2. You Aren’t Trying to Change Him or Her.

As disappointing as it is to realize, partners can rarely change one another. Yes, they may be able to inspire the other to do better in life or make changes; however, this is not a given. If your partner has character flaws or traits that you simply cannot stand unless he or she changes, then it’s time to give the relationship up.
3. You Work Out the Money.

It sounds cheap to talk about money being a playing force in a relationship, but it definitely is one. When you plan to stay with someone for life, their finances and yours become closely intertwined. Make sure that you date someone who has the same views about spending and saving as you do. If you are a penny pincher, you won't be very happy with someone who wants to blow every paycheck at the mall.
4. You Aren’t Bored.

Feelings of euphoria can quickly wear off and leave us bored with a boyfriend or girlfriend. If you find yourself battling boredom when you’re around your significant other, then it doesn’t look good for a happily-ever-after ending. Rather than playing on your phone when you’re together, take time to actually engage with your partner and discover if they still keep you interested.
5. Parenting Styles.

Sure, if you’ve just gotten together with someone, you’re probably not expecting kids right away; however, it’s important that you and your partner have the same views on parenting anyway. Find out what your partner thinks are suitable punishments, how they believe in rewarding children, and how many children they want. It’s going to be a very rocky road if you marry someone who believes in spanking when you firmly (and hopefully) do not!
6. You’re Headed in the Same Direction.

If you want to get married and your partner would rather put it off, then things are not looking hopeful for a long-term relationship. Rather than putting yourself through torture, talk to your boy or girlfriend before you get seriously involved and discover why they want to date. Are they looking for forever, or do they just want some fun for the weekend?
7. The Same Things Make You Laugh.

Sometimes laughter is the force that helps us get through difficult situations. If you’ve got a partner who can make you laugh and who also laughs at your jokes, then you’re more likely to stay together for the long-run. Pay attention to your shared sense of humor and how it impacts your time together.
8. You View Life the Same.

Before you get married, you need to make sure that you and your spouse have the same dreams and goals. If you want to be a stay-at-home mom, then it’s not smart to marry someone who wants to share the financial burden with their wife. Also, if your partner is interested in living more simply while you want to climb the corporate ladder at whatever the cost, take this into consideration as well.
9. Your Social Status

Yeah, this one sounds snobby, but relationships between people in different social categories don’t usually work. Sure, it makes for a great movie plot to have a lady and the tramp relationship, but these rarely turn into lasting partnerships in real life. This isn’t because one person is “too good” for the other; instead, it’s all about the way that the individuals were raised. If someone is eating caviar, they won’t fit in well with a spouse who’d rather grab a cheeseburger. Is it possible for people from different social statuses to make a relationship work long-term? If they’re ready to put in the effort and each is willing to make some changes, then yes; however, it won’t be a walk in the park. If you’ve just started dating someone from a different social category, don’t let your feelings and emotions get in the way of your good sense – this is going to take a lot of work to keep the relationship going!
10. Do You Crave the Same Intimacy?

If you want to be with someone forever, then you want a partner whose need for intimacy matches your own. Don’t get married simply because you’re burning with passion; instead, wait until the euphoria from new love wears off and see if you still want one another. This isn’t just about sex, either; consider whether your partner shares your desire for physical touch such as holding hands, kissing, and hugging.
Can you think of any other indicators that a relationship is going to last or fall apart? Do you disagree with any of the ten tell-tale signs listed above? Let us know what you think and be sure pass this on to your friends and loved ones!