10 Signs That You Need To Drink More Water

May 03, 2018 by apost team

Since our bodies are mostly made out of water, drinking enough fluids is critical for overall well being! Water not only keeps our bodies running smoothly, but hydration can also severely influence your mood. Drinking plenty of water is also important for maintaining a healthy weight and clear skin. Unfortunately, lots of us aren't drinking enough water. Here's how to tell if you're dehydrated.

Urine Color

It's important to inspect the color of your pee! A light yellow color is ideal. Clear pee can actually mean that you're drinking too much water!


Urination Frequency

If you're going hours between each trip to the bathroom, you're putting lots of stress on your kidneys. Drink more water to help your body flush away toxins.

Dry Skin

If you're dehydrated, your skin won't have enough moisture to maintain that soft, vibrant glow we all want.

Hunger Vs Thirst

Did you know that sometimes our stomachs grumble because we're thirsty? If you feel like you've eaten enough calories but still have a hollow feeling, try drinking a glass of water to see if that satisfies you.

Bad Mood

If you're irritable, your body is likely trying to tell you that you're dehydrated.


If you sleep enough but still feel tired all the time, you're not fueling your body with enough water.


Headaches are a common symptom of dehydration. Dehydration is especially evident if your pain worsens when bending over or increasing your heart rate like when climbing stairs.

Mouth Dryness

When your body doesn't have enough water, it pulls water into your vital organs, which leads to dry skin listed previously and also a dry mouth. Prevent permanent damage to your throat by increasing your water intake!

Cramps In Your Extremities

Since your water is being rerouted to your organs, your arms and legs can also cramp up or feel weak.


If you're feeling dizzy, try drinking a glass of water to make your symptoms go away.


If you are moderately or severely dehydrated, you could experience one or many of the following symptoms:

-Low blood pressure



-Increased or weakened heart rate

-Sunken or dry eyes

-Loss of skin elasticity

-Painful muscle contractions

-Faster and deeper breathing than normal

-Heart failure


If you are chronically dehydrated, you may experience one or many of the following symptoms:



-High cholesterol



-Premature aging



To prevent these terrible symptoms and live your healthiest life, strive for drinking 8 glasses of water each day! Make sure to remind your friends to stay hydrated by spreading this article!