10 Signs Of Maturity: How Many Do You Identify With?
May 08, 2018 by apost team
As we get older, we don’t realize when our brain switches from adolescence to maturity. For most, that switch never happens! But for the ones who do grow out of old bad habits and settle into adulthood, there are some clear and easy ways to tell you’ve reached full maturity.
Are you still unsure if you’ve reached that point in your life yet? Let’s look at some telltale signs:
1. Small talk no longer satisfies you
Chatting about the weather, your job, or your coworker’s new cat is just not of interest to you. You either avoid the conversation because you’ve realized life is too short to give a hoot about the shallow details of someone’s life, or you’re now an expert at steering a conversation down a more intellectual or interesting route.
2. Sleep is better than going out
Gone are the days when you crave going out on the weekend. You’ve matured to a level where staying home and having time to yourself or getting some chores or work done is much more satisfying to you.
3. You forgive more easily
It’s exhausting to hold grudges and sweat the small stuff, so you forgive those who have wronged you right away. Friends are better than enemies, and you’re sick of those childish games.
4. You’re more open-minded
Perhaps you’ve noticed yourself trying new foods or accepting the lifestyles of those you used to not understand before. Either way, you’ve developed a mature acceptance of people and things that are different from what you like, and that’s awesome!
5. You respect differences
Because you’ve developed your open-mindedness, you’re more likely to just accept that someone is different from you rather than try to convince them to be like you. The world is a big diverse place and you realize that.
6. You don’t force love
Many of us have tons of crushes growing up, and those crushes turn into relationships as we search for “the one.” When you’re 15, you may think your high school sweetheart is your one and only for ever and ever, but as we mature we realize the reality of relationships. You can’t make anyone love you, and when it’s real love, you know.
7. You accept the things you cannot change
Whether it’s a headache or a difficult break-up, you’re now able to accept the fate you’ve been dealt and handle it with grace and understanding. You still feel pain, but you now have the maturity to lick your wounds and rise out of a bad situation.
8. You don’t judge others easily
As a kid or young adult, we often judge others by their appearance or interests. From clothes to music, having a harsh opinion about a person was typical because we lacked the maturity to understand that everyone is different.
9. You prefer to be silent than get into a pointless fight
It’s good to have your own opinions and thoughts that you feel strongly about, but you’re at a point in your life now where blood in your mouth beats blood on the ground, figuratively speaking of course. You now know how to pick your battles and realize when a fight is just not worth it.
10. Your happiness doesn’t depend on others but instead your inner self
Being able to enjoy spending time alone and not needing approval from others is a wonderful thing. True happiness comes from you and what you enjoy to do, and you no longer care about what other people think.
How different are you today than you were 5 or 10 or 15 years ago? Do you feel you’ve come a long way maturity wise?
Make sure you pass this article on to your friends and family so they can see how much they’ve matured in life!