10 Rules Every Marriage Should Follow
Mar 05, 2018 by apost team
What is the key to having a happy marriage? It all starts with you! You and your partner are guaranteed to remain in matrimonial bliss if you take the following advice from specialists, marriage counselors, and happy couples who have seen and been through it all!
Keep reading for ten easy rules you should follow for a healthy and loving marriage :)
#1 Focus On The Good

If you stay focused on all the reasons why you love your partner and decided to marry them, then all the little annoyances and speed bumps you run into will seem so minuscule. Loving your partner should be easy, but make sure you love yourself as well! Do things that make the both of you feel good, like meeting a goal together or completing something you've both been working on for a while.

#2 Express Your Love Daily

Expressing your love doesn't necessarily mean that you have to tell your spouse "I love you" every day, but do things that show just how much you love them. Anything from stopping on your way home from work to pick up their favorite sweet treat or folding the laundry when the other is too tired can show just how much you care about taking care of them and your marriage. If you nurture what you have, it will get stronger and better each day.
#3 Take Care Of Yourself

You've heard people say it before: You can't love someone else if you don't love yourself. They're right! You love your partner so much and see all the things that are wonderful about them, but don't forget to remember what's great about you. Make sure you still spend time with yourself and remember that you are amazing!
#4 Learn From The Past

Anytime you have a problem that gets resolved with your partner, write it down! It may be interesting to look back on the seemingly "huge" problems you once faced and conquered, and can reference it next time you feel stuck on an issue.
#5 Pick Your Battles

Sometimes your partner may suggest or do something that annoys you or you just don't understand, but ask yourself: "Is it worth fighting about?" If the answer is "no" then just let it go.
#6 Be Supportive

Maybe your partner wants to try out a new hobby or sport and you're not sure how it'll go since they quit everything else they tried. The best thing you can do is be supportive. If they're having a tough time at work or with themselves, listen to their problems. Marriage means you're there for each other no matter what!
#7 Stay Committed

Marriage isn't something you try out and then throw away when you don't like it anymore. It takes commitment and dedication, which should be easy when you're with the right person. Don't lose sight of why you got married in the first place, and remember that problems do not last forever!
#8 Keep An Open Mind

Your partner may want to try new things with you even if it's not something you would necessarily do. Remember that remaining creative and spontaneous in your relationship will keep it fun and exciting, and your partner will appreciate that you're willing to explore new ideas and activities together.
#9 Stay Healthy

It's easy to fall into relaxed eating habits and cuddle on the couch rather than being active, but don't let it happen! Make sure you and your partner are eating right and getting a reasonable amount of exercise. You'll be glad you did when you're older and dodging major health complications.
#10 Invest Your Time

Don't get sidetracked too often and forget about your marriage! You two need each other, so make time for dates and spending quality time together. You didn't get married just to end up working insanely long hours and seeing each other for a short time on the weekend. Make time for each other, even if it means just going to the grocery store together.
Are you going to follow these rules in your marriage? SHARE this article with your married friends and family!