10 Lessons All Good Men Teach Their Children

Jul 23, 2018 by apost team

It's easy to tell if someone was raised by a good man because good men teach their children the following lessons!

1. You learn that emotions aren't gender-specific.


A good man knows that emotions are just as natural for boys as they are for girls. Tears are not a sign of weakness and crying isn't "girly." We are all entitled to express feelings of joy, sadness, frustration, confusion or fear, regardless of gender.


2. You learn that men are not superior to women.


If your dad cooked or cleaned the house just as much as your mom did growing up, or your mom took out the garbage or mowed the lawn as often as your dad did, you are more likely to see men and women as equals as you move into adulthood. You have witnessed a man and woman operating as a team to accomplish family goals, which increases the chances that you'll have a relationship with a partner who helps to create this dynamic in your home.

3. You learn how beautiful you are.


A good man makes his children feel beautiful all the time, whether they're in their pajamas or getting ready for prom. When your dad looks at you, you should feel acceptance and warmth, which helps you to look at yourself the same way.

4. You learn that you're more than a pretty face.


Your dad lets you know that you're beautiful, but that your physical appearance isn't more important than being intelligent, being kind to others or having a great personality. You're confident because of this and can look at other people in a more well-rounded way.

5. You gain confidence.


A good man makes sure his children know they can achieve anything with determination and hard work. If you were raised by a great father, you weren't limited in your career goals or ambitions by societal or cultural "rules," and your dad never tried to discourage you from following your dreams, even if you wanted to do something that seemed impossible.

6. You learn to be resilient.


A good man teaches his children that failure is part of life and that it should be a learning experience that helps you make better choices in the future. Your father will encourage you to heal and take time to learn the necessary lessons from failure, but also lets you know that it's healthy to move forward and not wallow in your mistakes.

7. You learn that you should expect to be treated well.


When you see how your father treats others, your sense of justice is established. You start to learn that you should treat others with respect, and you also realize that you deserve to be treated with respect as well. You don't form relationships with people who are mean or lack manners, because you deserve decent treatment and you demand it from those in your inner circle.

8. You don't rush into relationships.


A good man doesn't put pressure on his children to find a spouse as soon as possible. He allows them to learn about life at their own pace and doesn't emphasize the notion that getting married is an important part of personal fulfillment. A good man will let you know that it's important to achieve your own happiness before finding a partner.

9. You learn there is always someone in your corner.


Your father will always love you, even when you make mistakes. He understands that you're not perfect, he forgives you and listens when you need to talk. He's a source of comfort and stability in your life, even when you're not deserving.

10. You realize how lucky you are.


As you get older and you meet people who are inconsiderate jerks or cyber-bullies, you'll reflect on your childhood and realize that you're a very lucky person. There are lots of people with less than stellar character out there, which makes it easier for you to realize that you were raised by a good man.

Did your father teach you any of these lessons? If so let him know how thankful you are by passing this article on to him!