10 Hidden Laws Of Karma That Will Change Your Life For The Better

Jul 17, 2018 by apost team

Karma teaches us that every action has a reaction. The following 10 laws prove that your mentality has a big impact on how positive (or negative) your life will become. The best part is that practicing karma doesn't just benefit you, but also spreads happiness to everyone around you. It reduces stress, too!



1. The Great Law

  • This is the first law of karma, which basically sums it all up. It's the "law of cause and effect," so everything you put out, you get back.

2. Creation

  • The second law of karma explains that all things, both good and bad, have a source. Which one are you creating?

3. Humility

  • This karmic law teaches acceptance. You will have to weather storms in your life. However, this law also emphasizes that you shouldn't dwell on this for too long otherwise you will carry that negativity with you wherever you go.

4. Growth

  • This law is a natural continuation of the previous one. It explains that you can only control your own reaction to what happens, rather than the event itself. Understanding this brings peace.

5. Responsibility

  • Inner conflict is often the source of external struggles. Take responsibility for your feelings.

6. Connection

  • Your life's journey has a natural path. Everything you learn from past experiences has a current impact. Nothing happens without a reason.

7. Focus

  • Only pay attention to one task at a time. Don't rush. If your head is in too many places at once, you're inviting negativity.

8. Here And Now

  • Be present. Don't remain bogged down by the mistakes you made in the past. Instead, keep your gaze forward. This is the only way you can grow - and improve! - as a person.

9. Change

  • History is destined to repeat itself. You will remain in this cycle until you have learned the lessons you need to progress and adjust your course in life.

10. Patience And Reward

  • It's been said that "there's no such thing as a free lunch." That mentality appears in the laws of karma, too. This tenth law explains that all rewards come at a cost. Feel the relief that comes from knowing that you're in your right place. Your reward is coming!

Are you a believer in karma? If so, tell us how these laws have appeared in your life. And if you aren't a believer, did we manage to convince you?