Zodiac Signs Incapable Of Having Relationships, They Exist
Nov 05, 2018
If you're no longer sure that you really snagged Mr. Right, because he turns out to be incapable of a relationship, we recommend that you take a closer look at his zodiac sign. The stars tell you which star signs are suitable for a relationship and which are totally incapable of one.
The zodiac signs Aries, Twins, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius described below are not easy to love or no relationship material at all and you should consider whether you really want to enter into a relationship with them.
1) Aries (born between 21 March - 20 April)
If your partner's zodiac sign is Aries, you have a person at your side who takes the leadership role professionally and also privately. Actually, it's not much of a problem if the Aries decides where to go on holiday, but they easily dominate others so much that this constant pressure can drive their partners away. Thus the Aries is absolutely no friend of easy relationships.
2) Gemini (born between 21 May - 21 June)
If you think that the Gemini is capable of relationships, you are very wrong.
Such a man does not commit to one partner and enjoys the easy life This sign of the zodiac falls in love and has very strong feelings, but the interest in new things quickly lets them turn single again. The unfaithful Gemini are absolutely incapable of relationships.
3) Sagittarius (born between 23 November - 21 December)
If you're thinking about having a relationship with a Sagittarius, better forget it. This sign of the zodiac prefers a weekend with friends, watching a game, rather than a romantic weekend with his girlfriend. He'd rather get on a helicopter than go to bed with his partner to experience an adventure. The zodiac sign Sagittarius prefers to be constantly on the move to avoid boredom. He's totally unfit for a relationship.
4) Capricorn (born between 22 December - 20 January)
If your partner is an ambitious and industrious Capricorn, you have no place in his life. With this zodiac sign, the career has top priority and love comes last. A Capricorn's schedule is always full and time for intimacy is a luxury, making a relationship almost impossible. In addition, Capricorns are very insecure about women and behave accordingly erratic on a date. The Capricorn is not a relationship person.
5) Aquarius (born between 21 January - 19 February)
The creative and sensitive Aquarius is only suitable for short-term relationships. This thoughtful zodiac sign needs independence and longlasting bonds make him afraid. If you have met a man who is an Aquarius, better keep your hands off him. He will hurt you and shy away rom making a commitment.
If you have friends or acquaintances who have met one of these zodiac signs, or are looking for a relationship with an Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Aquarius, then inform them about this article and save them from a man who is unable to relate. They will certainly be very grateful to you for receiving this valuable information.