Your Life Might Be Determined By A 9 Year Cycle That Predicts Your Future
Nov 07, 2018
If it feels like you've experienced certain things in life, then you might be right. If you pay close attention, you'll notice that your life completes cycles that are about nine years apart.
There are cycles almost everywhere you look. The seasons go through cycles with changes every few months. Day and night are cycles. There is also a thing called reincarnation that some people believe occurs when one being is brought back as another.
Why should humans be any different than other aspects of the universe?
There are events that coincide with certain times of the year and patterns that you can see after a few years that you can sometimes grasp and change if you pick up on them.
A cycle that occurs every nine years only takes a few minutes to understand and calculate. If you know your current year or that of someone else, you can sometimes get a better understanding of where they are at in life and some of the events that they might experience.
If you want to find out which year you're in, all you have to do is add the numbers that make up your birth month and the day together. Next, add the single digits that make up the year. Each number that exists in your birthday, including those that comprise the entire year, should be separated and added together.
Continue adding the digits together until you only have one number left. When you reach one number, you'll know which year you're in, such as your first or fifth.
Keep in mind that each year of your life will start and end on your birthday, so you can look forward to new events with each passing year and know that you're one step closer to the end of your nine-year cycle when you are another year older. The energy associated with the cycle will flow in a gentle motion.
There will often be overlapping emotions and experiences. For most people, they begin to feel the energy associated with the new year about four months before their birthday. If you know you're current year, then you will usually know a little more about what you can expect for the following year.
Year 1 is usually when things start over. There could be some confusion about jobs, relationships, and finances. Seeds are being planted that will begin to sprout by the end of this year.
As you go through the second and the third years, you will begin connecting with the people you talk to and gain a better understanding of where you're at in your career. Your second year is usually when relationships are at their strongest. You might meet new people and have a zest for being around others.
About halfway through your nine-year cycle, expect that things will begin to speed up in terms of careers, relationships, home situations, and other life events. Every three years in the cycle usually results in significant changes that will often lead you to other details in your life.
When you reach year four, you'll want to begin working on some of the ideas that you've had and really solidifying some of the decisions that you been on the fence about. Perhaps one of the most important years is the fifth one because it's the one with the most change.
As your cycle reaches its end, you'll begin to reflect and look back at the events that have taken place. When you reach the end of your nine years, there could be an end to a job or a relationship. These will be in preparation for the next cycle in your life with more events and exciting challenges.
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