Your Birth Order And Your Personality Are Strongly Connected

May 24, 2018

Birth order greatly influences your personality characteristics. You may already have heard of the 4 personality types that coincide with the order in which siblings are born. These stereotypes describe the only child as unable to share his feelings, the oldest child as controlling, the youngest child as overindulged, and the middle child as just in that place – the middle. What follows are the common characteristics identified with the 4 different birth orders.

Oldest Children

Because you are frequently respected by others, the oldest children will often become leaders. Your parents are tougher on you and expect you to be good examples for your siblings.

• You tend to be dependable, meticulous, and idealistic and do not enjoy being caught off guard.

• You feel that a lot is expected of you and that you have a lot to achieve.

• You are generally aggressive but at the same time, you may seek to please others.

• You are usually not physically courageous or keen on traveling.

Middle-Born Children

If this is your birth order, you do not feel that you have a personality that stands out as your siblings do. You think your oldest sibling has more given to him while your youngest sibling is overindulged and smothered with attention by your parents. Often you become expert at bargaining with and bonding with others.

• As a middle child you appreciate constructive connections, are flexible and are skilled at compromise.

• You have a feel for people since your birth order makes you accustom to dealing with those older and younger than you.

• You stand out by developing skills and interests that are different from those of your siblings.

• You exhibit the most varied personality among your siblings. You may be extroverted and friendly or bashful and silent.

• You are inclined to keep your feelings and thoughts to yourself.

Last-Born Child

You are frequently referred to as the family “baby”. You take on an entitled attitude and expect family members to shoulder your obligations and make decisions for you.

• You are extroverted and mingle well with others. At the same time, you can be devious.

• You see your siblings as far superior to you.

• You are thought of as overindulged, difficult and restless.

• You are unruly as well as creative.

Only Child

As an only child, you may have felt stressed to achieve. Since you receive much parental attention, you are thought of as self-absorbed.

• You are overly sensitive to criticism.

• You crave the attention of others.

• You handle responsibility well.

• You are methodical, creative, idealistic and responsible.

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