You Haven't Done These 8 Arm Exercises Yet
Dec 14, 2018
Try out these 8 effective yet surprisingly underrated arm workouts.
When you go to the gym, you probably engage in bicep curls and tricep exercises to gain muscle in your upper body. But exercises that are not as widely known can benefit you even more if you use a little creativity.
Mixing exercises together can be even more advantageous to achieving the body of your dreams. If you want toned biceps, triceps, shoulders and back muscles, try these 8 exercises that you’ve probably never heard of before!
8 Effective Arm Workouts
These exercises should be performed in the order they appear on this page. Each one should be done for 30 seconds each. Try to avoid resting between each exercise. When you complete the 8th exercise, take one minute of rest before repeating the entire cycle two additional times.
If these are too easy or you want to increase results, use dumbbells in each hand.
1. Bicep Curls In A Stationary Bear Crawl Position
Directions: Start on all fours. Your wrists should be underneath your shoulders and your knees should be underneath your hips. Begin by lifting your knees off the ground 1-2 inches. Keep your core tight were you hold the knees in place. Then, begin bending your right elbow by bringing your hand to reach your chest. This arm should be perpendicular to your other arm. Then, bring your right hand back to the starting position and repeat the exercise on your other side. Keep alternating!
2. Tricep Chops
Directions: Begin by bending slightly at the knees with your feet hip-length apart. Start clenching your hands together (or, use a dumbbell in each hand) and turn them to your left, bringing your shoulders and head with you. Keep the hips square to the front. Then, quickly bring your hands over your head by straightening the arms.
Begin bending your elbows to reach your hands behind your head. Bring them in as close to your ears as possible. Straighten the arms over your head again before bringing your arms down to your right side, twisting the body with them. Alternate exercise on each side repeatedly.
3. Reverse Fly Hinged Front Raises
Directions: Keep your feet hip-length apart. Bend at the knees just slightly. Face your palms towards your sides and keep your elbows straight. Lift your hands up so that they align with the ears. Bring them back down. Then, lift each hand out to the side with the elbows slightly bent. Face your palms inside. Return the hands back down. Repeat each method, alternating.
4. Bicep Curls and Throws
Directions: Begin by standing with your feet hip distance apart. Begin squatting, but bring your hands up to your shoulders as you do. This is a bicep curl. When you begin to stand back up, lower your hands. Next, step back with your right foot. This is a reverse lunge.
Bend at the elbows, bringing both arms to meet your left shoulder. This should feel like you’re throwing something towards the back of you. Return to initial position and repeat. The lunge and throws should alternate sides.
5. Arnold Presses
Directions: Begin with your feet apart at a hip’s distance. Bend slightly at the knees. Bend your elbows at a right angle and align them with your shoulders. You should touch your elbows and fists together.
Then, release your arms, pushing your palms to face forward. Next, straighten your elbows and press your arms over your head. Bring the arms back down to your shoulders, and close them again. Repeat this process.
6. Hinged Side Rotations
Directions: Begin by standing. Keep your feet apart at a hip’s distance. Slightly bend at the knees. Move forward in your hip region so that your body is making a 45-degree angle. Begin with your arms relaxed and straight down. Then, pull the left elbow up, rotating and opening it to the left. Your hand should stay close to your body. Then, return to the starting position and alternate hands.
7. Straight Arm Lift Sequences
Directions: Begin in a sumo squat position. Your feet should be a little further than hip-distance apart. Point your toes at a 45-degree angle. Knees should be bent at a right angle. Begin with your arms straight, but lift them to your shoulders and begin pulsing for 15 seconds. Then, perform backward circles with your arm for another 15 seconds. Then, repeat another 15 seconds with forwarding circles. Then, bring your hands together in front of your body before bringing them back to the sides. Remember to keep your palms consistently facing upward.
8. Wide Rows to Lat Pull Downs
Directions: Begin by standing. Feet should be hip-distance apart. Slightly bend at the knees. Hinge your body at your midsection to create a 45-degree angle of the upper body. Face your palms towards you. Your arms should begin straight. Then, pull your elbows up into a 90-degree angle, reaching your shoulders. Flip the elbows to the floor, so your hands are starting to face the ceiling.
Then, straighten out the arms so that the elbows end up by the ears. Return to the initial position by pulling your elbows back and focusing on reaching the shoulder blades together. Repeat.
Once you perform these creative exercises and leave the boring simple ones behind, you’ll notice a difference in the tone and strength of your arms! Even just doing this exercise once will show you how effective it can be by the way your muscles feel afterward!
Are you going to try these arm exercises that you’ve never seen before? What are your favorite exercises for toned arms?