You Can Thank Your Mother For These 4 Traits

Mar 22, 2018

Our mothers are the most important people in our lives. They carried us for 9 months, gave us life, and never stopped nurturing us, even after we left the nest. No matter what happens, we can always count on our mothers to love us unconditionally. They shape our lives in many ways, including our genetics. Read on to learn the best 4 traits we inherit from our mothers.

#1. Hair Color and Type

Whether you have curly or straight, dry or shiny, thick or thin, or dark or light hair, your mom is responsible for the appearance of what's on top of your head.

In most cases, your father is not responsible for the color, texture, and volume of your hair. While there are always exceptions, most people inherit their hair qualities from their mom.

The thickness, volume, and color rely greatly on your mother's genes. Don't look to your father to predict the future of your hair and if you may go bald. Your mother's family history says a lot about your own future.

#2. The Sleeping Position Of Babies

A baby may have their dad's nose, but they sleep just like their mother. Numerous studies have shown that the way children sleep is directly linked to their mother.

Our mothers influence a lot of factors when we go to sleep, such as the position we lay in, how long or deeply we sleep, and any habits we may adopt.

However, this means that you may also inherit some negative traits from your mom. Amnesia, sleeping disorders, and even the need for an afternoon snooze can all be traced back to her!


#3 Intelligence

How many times has your dad asked you to ask your mother for something? Fathers never like to say no to their kids because they like to be your friend. Moms are usually the parent to teach us how to do everything for the first time.

Recent studies have shown that your mother's role in your intelligence may be more more than her hands-on approach. Lots of evidence now points to her genetics as a big role.

Conditioned genes are a type of gene that only work when they come solely from the mother or solely from the father. Intelligence is a case where you have to thank your mom.


#4 Left-Handedness

Only 10% of people are left-handed.

Left-handedness is inherited, and it occurs significantly more often in children when their mother is left-handed opposed to their father.


Did you inherit any of these traits from your mother? Let her know and give her some love for all the amazing things she has given you!