Women Take Audience Back To '40s With Boogie-Woogie Classic
Jul 24, 2020
Back in 2014, nearly eight decades since the hit track came out, Pete Jacobs and his Wartime Radio Revue performed The Andrew Sisters' Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy in front of a live audience — and it's bound to take you back.

Since 2000, the Wartime Radio Revue (WRR) — comprised of Christi Noel, Jayme Palmer, and Devyn Rush — have performed alongside a 12-member big band to bring audiences around the U.S. hits from the 1940s. But since the group is based on The Andrew Sisters, you can expect that the WRR has a special place in its heart for the classic boogie-woogie group. That was certainly on display in 2014 when the WRR gave an excellent rendition of Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, an Andrew Sisters' classic.

When you watch the performance, it's like stepping into a time machine. Not only are all the singers dressed in 1940s military attire, but the group's dance moves are also reminiscent of the WWII era. Of course, we can't forget about the most important part — this trio's incredible musical talent. If you close your eyes, it sounds like it could be The Andrew Sisters on stage. The entire thing really does feel like an old U.S.O. show from the Second World War.
Luckily for us, someone captured this stellar performance on video. What's more, Pete Jacobs has even more WRR videos on his YouTube channel, along with other performances that are reminiscent of 1930s and 40s-era music. There's A Tisket A Tasket, an Ella Fitzgerald classic, and for those of us who enjoy a little German, there's even a performance of Bei Mir Bist Du Schön, which The Andrew Sisters performed back in the late 1930s.
The bottom line is that we're thankful for the WRR for providing a bit of a musical time machine on the internet. Whether you lived through the 1940s or you're just feeling a bit nostalgic for the music your parents listened to, it's great that we still have the ability to revive this genre of music. In any case, it's better you just see for yourself. If you're a music fan, you won't be disappointed.
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