Woman Surprises Desperate Neighbor with Life-Saving Kidney On Live Television
Oct 30, 2018
Gifts are always pleasant, and they show just how much the people around us care for our well-being. For the average folks anywhere in the United States, recounting some of the best gifts that they ever received can be a little difficult. This is because we receive so many genuine and heartfelt gifts that it becomes difficult to discern the ones that made us the happiest. What could be the best gift you ever received? Maybe you even have a whole list of people who you adore for their thoughtful and helpful gifts?
Personally, I always get emotional every time that I remember how my college buddy gave me a video game code that he wanted to sell. I was pursuing a diploma in Computer Science, and my computer got stolen on the eve of my project presentation. Since my code got lost with the computer, I had to submit his commercial one to save my academics. I remember how he spent the whole night coaching me to present it as if I built it from scratch. The gift was simply unforgettable.
Health is very important. One of the most critical roles of any government is to secure quality health care for everyone within its jurisdiction. Unfortunately, we often realize the real value of health when it wanes and leaves us vulnerable. Health sustains life, and life is the biggest blessing on earth. It allows us to exist and live out our purpose. Sadly, when our health fails us, we stop living and we start dying. The best gift that anyone could give the dying is hope for life. Just like me, Dave Courtney is one of those rare people who never have to think too much when asked to choose the best gifts that they ever received. In fact, if he ever forgot, he would have his long-term and dedicated wife to remind him that Nancy Seigneur gave him a new lease to life.
Back in 1990, doctors from Sylvania, Ohio discovered that Dave was suffering from a serious kidney condition. He would need a kidney transplant or rely on dialysis to survive for the rest of his life. The proud man and his wife decided to battle the disease in silence. The couple signed Dave up to receive any kidney that would come from donors. He was on the wait-list for three good years and not one single stranger qualified to help him out. For a while, he had to survive on dialysis.
One day, while Dave and Christine Courtney were struggling to make arrangements for further dialysis treatments, Good Morning America called the family with good news. Even though the couple were proud and didn't like going around asking for help, they needed it. Lucky for them, they had been pleasant neighbors to Nancy Seigneur and her family. She had privately gone to a hospital for testing to find out if she could be an organ donor for Dave. The compatibility tests indicated that she could save Dave's winding up life and prolong its longevity indefinitely. She couldn't think of a better way to break the news than via the much-celebrated mainstream media show.
Watch the deeply moving video below:
Did this story touch your heart? Let us know in the comments which heartfelt gift made you the happiest! Pass this article along to anyone who needs to be reminded that there is kindness in the world!