Woman Came Upon Mountain Lion Inside Her House Sleeping Behind Her Sofa

Nov 11, 2019

Lauren Taylor is very much like you and I. She shares a home with a roommate and probably even has a pet. She also enjoys having people over once in a while, just like the rest of us. But unlike most people, Lauren had a guest of the wild variety kind.

Lauren came home believing it was just another average day, but upon closer inspection, she found a very interesting surprise. A mountain lion was fast asleep behind her couch reported Fox News.

Lauren believes that the big cat probably found her pond in the backyard while looking for a cool drink. He then came in through a back door that she had left open before she left for the day.


Her home is set up to look like it is part of nature. She actually has a staircase that is built from real tree branches. She has many decorative potted plants all around the home, as well. The cat probably thought she was outdoors!

Lauren’s roommate startled the large cat when she entered the room. She screamed loudly, causing the mountain lion to go into hiding behind the couch. She then decided it was a good place for a quick nap!

Lauren told the story on Facebook, stating that she wasn’t afraid of the mountain lion at all. She urged other people not to ever interact with mountain lions, as they can be very perceptive and psychic.

Lauren decided to communicate with her new “roommate.” She went outside and looked in through the window at the large feline. After making a noise to wake her up, she used blinking eye cat-speak to “talk.”

The mountain lion remained very calm throughout the whole ordeal. She decided she was just going to go back to sleep, even though there were humans around her.

Lauren then decided to use drums to re-awaken the gentle giant. It worked- the big cat woke up and made her own way out the door. She meandered her way out into an empty field away from the house. Lauren said she was very blessed that no one, not even the lion, was hurt.

We hope the mountain lion has a long and happy life! What did you think of this crazy story? Please tell us in the comments and spread the word!