Woman And Dog Rescue A Baby Found In A Storm Drain
Aug 10, 2018
Charmaine Keevy and her dog Georgie are considered true heroes for miraculously saving a newborn girl's life one morning in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. The pair were out on their early morning stroll, and suddenly, Georgie began barking at a nearby storm drain. Charmaine believed it to be the meowing of a cat, but then, she knelt down to hear the sound again and was shocked.
Those were a baby's cries coming from the storm drain. Georgie and her rescue wiener dog (Dachshund) knew it was now their turn to rescue someone else, so Charmaine quickly flagged down a vehicle for help. She picked the right driver as Cornie Viljoen immediately got out and took a steel bar he had in his car. Cornie pried open the heavy concrete slab that concealed the spot.
There, 6-feet below, lay a naked newborn girl in the fetal position with her tiny head resting upon the storm drain. Cornie jumped in and was instantly stung by an aggressive colony of red ants. The hole featured a narrow opening, so he didn't have much room, but he felt the baby's tiny leg and knew he would get her out. He kneeled down to snap a cell phone photo of the crime scene he was in.
The good news is that the attacking red ants had avoided the infant. Cornie wasn't sure if the newborn was injured, so he carefully picked her up, held her close and had Charmaine call 911. The infant was rushed to the hospital with her umbilical cord still attached. There she received treatment for hypothermia and respiratory issues.
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A police investigation continues and authorities are asking the mother to come forward or anyone else with information. According to social worker Pamela Rubushe, the newborn was named Grace April. Charmaine went on to Facebook praying that baby Grace April finds a loving family and that she be given the chance at a full nurturing life.
What an incredible story of humans and dogs working together. This video story cannot be missed. Pass this on to your friends and loved ones.