Wolf Walks Toward Woman In The Woods And Sits Down But Watch His Next Move

Jan 24, 2019

Animals present a sense of wonder when we watch them on television. All those fantastic nature shows provide us with something else wonderful: distance. Lions, tigers, bears, and wolves aren't creatures we want to see up close. A woman in Colorado found herself close to a wolf. The feral beast didn't act in the way most people would expect.

A worker from the Colorado Wild and Wildlife Center named Danielle isn't unfamiliar with wolves. Her job allows her to interact with wolves and other wildlife creatures almost daily. The purpose of the center is to help animals no longer able to survive in the wild.

This doesn't mean the creatures automatically become domesticated nor cease to be dangerous. Workers do need to remain cautious around wildlife. That said, some four-legged residents of the facility do become a bit lovable.


Video footage of Danielle petting a wolf named Kekoa shows that some animals do become friendly. Kekoa interacts with Danielle the same way a family dog would. The video may surprise people since there isn't an expectation that wolves act so friendly.

And Kekoa isn't the only happy wolf in the video. Along comes another one named Sakura. Sakura shares Kekoa's love for her human friend.

The most stunning aspect of the video is the size comparison between Danielle and the wolves. The wolves are gigantic. Despite their frightening size, the wolves present no risk to the woman.

Now, this doesn't mean people should approach wolves in the wild.

Remember, these wolves interact with humans at a wildlife center regularly. Leave interactions with such animals to trained personnel.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments and tell the world about how wonderful the beasts of the forest are! The unique tale of Danielle and the friendly wolves may bring about an upbeat feeling in people who read the story.