Why You Need To Stop Using These Three Words In Your Relationship
May 08, 2018
Relationships can be tricky, but one of the biggest reasons they falter is because of a lack of proper communication. Proper communication isn't just about speaking to your significant other, it's also about knowing what to say to overcome challenges and strengthen your bond.
"Everything is fine."
How many times have you said that in your relationship, and how many times has it actually been true? We're going to guess it usually isn't. We want to protect ourselves and our feelings, but by being so cryptic, we're only straining our relationship further. These reasons will help you better understand why "everything is good" is anything but a good statement to make.
Conversational Dead End
You can't possibly expect to grow your relationship with curt statements like these. If you're just saying "Everything is fine" at any opportunity, you're doing a disservice to both yourself and your partner. You should be constantly striving to grow. That's one of the best parts of being in a relationship. Your partner can also help you grow in the process, but you first need to be willing to let yourself be vulnerable. You might be saying that everything is good because you're afraid of opening up. That's understandable, but you need to learn how to do so if you want your relationship to last. You can start slowly. Tell your partner what’s on your mind. Don't let yourself judge your thoughts or feelings in the process.
The Risks of Vagueness
Even if things are mostly going well with you, that doesn't mean everything is fine. If you sum up your entire current predicament in those three words, you are almost certainly hiding something. This doesn't mean you should be focusing solely on the negative and become a pessimist.
Instead, you should talk about things that aren't going so well, because you should be talking with your partner about everything, good and bad. You don't need to see them in such shades of black and white either. Things can be a mix of both, and speaking about them out loud can really help you to regain some sense of clarity.
Creating Toxic Communication Habits
"Everything is fine" might just seem like something you can toss off with no real harm. However, it can certainly harm your relationship if used frequently enough. Repeated usage indicates to your partner that you're not really interested in communicating with them.
Put yourself in their shoes. How would you feel if they were so closed off and unresponsive? We're guessing you wouldn't feel very good. Remember that this kind of mutual respect is essential for your relationship.
Think about what you have read and realize how you can use these reasons to stop this bad habit. When you understand how your words can negatively impact your relationship, even without intending to, you can really help your bond grow.
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