Which Glass Has More Water? This Quiz Can Boost Your Brain Power To The Max

Apr 17, 2019

Let's test your knowledge about physics. Quizzes like these help your brainpower and your mental focus - so why not have fun at the same time?  Take a look at the picture below: There are 4 glasses of water filled with different objects. But which one of those glasses contains the most water? Try not to peek, as we have put the solution down below.

Which Glass Has More Water?

The water level might be even in all of those glasses but what will happen if you take out the objects one by one? This might help you think about the right answer.

If you are ready to solve the test, take a look at the solution below.



The correct answer is: The most water is in the glass with the paper clip. 

How so? Well, when you put an object in water, it will displace the water with the mass of the object. Hence, the glass that contains the object with the least amount of weight will still have the most water in it. Even though we might not know the exact weight of all those four objects, we can all agree, that the paper clip weighs the least. It also takes up the least amount of space.

Did you get the right solution without peeking? How long did it take you to figure it out? Challenge your friends as well and see if they are able to find the right solution. Pass this fun quiz on to them and tell us, how long it took you to solve the puzzle in the comments.