What Your Breasts Reveal About Your Personality

Mar 05, 2018

Ok we know this one sounds odd, but your breasts really can reveal so much about your personality. For centuries now, people have been getting their palm read, so why should your breasts reveal any less about your personality than lines on your palm? 

Your breasts help in determining your absolute basic personality traits. They even go as far as suggesting the way you act and your attitude. Below are 12 classic mammary shapes and what they reveal about you.

Lemon Shaped (Symmetrical And Petite)

You are a compassionate woman with a tender spot for all living things. Throughout your life, you've discovered that it is not the material things that you measure your success by, but the way you've treated and empathized with others around you. You are mindful of your own emotional intelligence and people that have been touched by your kindness are inspired by your warm-hearted nature.


Papaya Shaped (Elongated And Pendulous)

No matter what life throws at you, you remain resilient. You have been through more trials and tribulations than anyone you know, yet you stay strong. Though people try to keep you down, you remain one of the most optimistic and hopeful people. You will try anything because the worst you could do is fail, and that's already happened and you made it through.

Apple Shaped (Small, Facing Away, And Sloping Downward)

Happiness beams outward from you, because you're a radiant woman. Your brilliance and zest for life are evident in your demeanor and appearance. Allowing your inner happiness to escape has created a glow around you that is impossible for others to ignore. Your contented bliss makes you a truly beautiful specimen.

Pear Shaped (Large Nipples, Triangular And Facing Down)

You bring out the best in everyone. Even on your bad days, you always stay positive and offer up a smile. If people are ever in a bad mood, they hang out with you because you will know just what to say. Your goal in life is to make others happy and you often spread themselves thin trying to please everyone.

Cherry Shaped (Perky And Spread Apart)

Your deep desire for success has driven you to be the ambitious woman you are today. Seeing obstacles as a challenge or a minor setback, instead of a defeat, has allowed you to accomplish things others would have simply given up on. You have an earnest desire to be distinct, which is not only the key to achieving your own goals but motivates those around you as well.

Melon Shaped (Globular And Forward Facing)

No one is a harder worker than you. You throw yourselves full-force into everything you do. If you're ever asked for something, you never do it half-way. But this doesn't mean you're all work and no play. You also love to socialize and can make friends with just about anyone. You are a great conversationalist and let people know they are really listening.

Nectarine Shaped (Small And Pendant, With Large Nipples)

You are a gracious woman, characterized by your unmatched ease and good taste. You listen carefully to others with interest and always know the right thing to say at the right moment. When entertaining, your gracious hospitality shines. Your compassionate heart and pleasantly kind demeanor draw people to you instantly.

Grapefruit Shaped (Immensely Bulbuous And Facing Away)

Fearless should be your middle name. You never say no to trying new things or exploring new places. You are the ideal travel or party partner because you get others out of their comfort zone and into doing awesome things! You love to gather experiences and get the most out of life while you're young. Though you love to have fun, you are never reckless.

Orange Shaped (Medium, Round And Facing Away)

Being an outspoken woman, you have the unique quality of not being afraid to speak your mind. Standing up for what you believe in and know is right is one of your best traits. Your unreserved nature extends to those you love and care for and you are always willing to verbally support those fortunate enough to be considered your friends.

Pineapple Shaped (Large With Prominent Nipples)

As a fully empowered woman, you have enabled yourself to achieve great things in life. You have taken responsibility for your life and made your own set of rules to live by. You honor yourself by trusting your intuition and gut instincts. Empowering yourself through your passions, your relationships, and your beliefs make you irresistible to those around you.

Plum Shaped (Small With Downward Nipples)

You are a truly meticulous woman. Always the perfectionist, you take pride in not letting any detail go unnoticed. Others rely on your accurate observations and your ability to implement projects with precision.

Mango Shaped (Medium In Size, Facing Away)

Those who seek comfort turn to you. From a young age, you have always wanted to pamper and look after others' well-being. Whether they are sick, sad, or stressed, you are there to give them support. Just don't let yourself be taken for granted; you work hard to take care of others but you might need to take care of yourself, too!

Has this article revealed something hiding in your bra you didn't know before? SHARE with all your gal pals to start a fun discussion!