What You Should Expect In Your Relationship Based On Your Zodiac Sign Will Make You Think Twice

Mar 02, 2018

Everyone has their ups and downs in all relationships but have you ever stopped to think about why exactly you have your arguments and why you clash over specific topics or situations. This can be linked to your Zodiac sign!

Read on to find out why!

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You are someone who needs their independence in any relationship. You stick by these principles so you will most likely break into an argument if this personal space is breached. You have convinced yourself that if you're going to commit yourself to a successful relationship, you have to give up your freedom. 

Taurus (April 20 – May 21)

You need attention but not in the form of being clingy, rather, support for decisions well made both emotionally and physically. However, you are short tempered because of this and tend to lash out when someone doubts you.  So when you fall in love with someone, you expect them to have your back whatever is thrown at you. You want to feel that you don't need to explain yourself for your irrational decisions. 

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

You always need your relationship to be fun because if you are doing something which is not fun, you're in a terrible mood and no one quite understands why. You absolutely hate it when a decision can't be made quickly, so much so that you will just storm off and leave it to someone to make a concrete plan before pursuing and having fun. But when a plan comes together, you are the best person to hang out with! 


Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

You are the queen in the relationship, and it has to be all about you, and no one should be more important. You need to be treated with lots of love and presents otherwise a storm may be on the horizon.  However, you are very caring, loving and protective. You do whatever it takes to make your partner happy and safe, this is why you expect them to treat you the same way. 

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You need everything or nothing and nowhere in between. You expect your partner to put 110% into the relationship or it won't be worth your time. Saying that, you have never been known to walk away from a challenge so you will fight for what you want! You seek a committed and passionate partner and not someone who will be flaky when the going gets tough. 

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

You think you stand tall above everyone else, so much so that your partner literally needs to bow down to you if they want a place in your life. You know what you are doing, you know exactly what it takes to gain your attention and you will always stand your ground. You're convinced that you are right in every situation and won't back down or apologize. 

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

You don't care who they are, where they're from or what they want. You just need someone who understands the way your mind works. You are a bit out there let's be honest. But, you will never be someone to pour fuel on the fire, to make the situation worse. You much prefer calmer waters, no stress, no worries kind of vibe. Therefore, you expect someone to be on the same wavelength as you and not take everything you say to heart. 

Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)

You are emotional! All your friends and family know it. So don't hide away from it, let it all out and be honest with yourself, this is the only way you will let people into your life. Because you are naturally emotional, you let your feelings get the best of you, which is not necessarily the worst thing because it just shows that you care and that you're loyal. Therefore, you expect someone to be patient with you and someone that can calm you down by giving you a cuddle when the emotions start running. 

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Commitment for you is seen as a sign of weakness, meaning you feel that there is so much to do in the world before you commit your life to someone else. Therefore, you expect your partner to understand that they need to be patient with you and give you the freedom which you desire most. You may find yourself dating for long periods of time before finally committing to a relationship (even then you will try to find any reason why it would be a bad idea.)

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

You're the naughty one, meaning you expect a lot of hot and passionate moments with your partner. You may come across as being too intense at the beginning of the relationship, but this settles once your partner gets to know you better. You are ALL or nothing because you put all your effort and energy into everything you do making you a very determined individual with a go-getter personality. You expect your partner not to be jealous of you and your achievements but rather loyal and supportive.  

Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

You're naturally intelligent, but you also show it off, which frightens most potential partners. You expect conversations with your partner to be highly intellectual or at least meaningful. You often have debates with your friends and family because you like to back your corner no matter what with the facts. You expect people to accept the person you are without the need to change for anyone.  

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

You're all about the bigger picture, before even committing to a relationship you are already questioning the possibility of marriage! You want a real relationship, something that will last rather than a wishy-washy time-consuming waste of time. Therefore, you expect your partner to be as equally forward thinking and romantic. 

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