What Luck Awaits You Based On Your Anniversary?
Apr 12, 2018
Anniversaries are special and unique, and are a day people cherish throughout their relationship or marriage. The day you and your partner got together, engaged, or married says a lot about you.
Think about the day, month, year, and season you celebrate your anniversary because it is very significant and will predict what luck is coming your way. Keep reading to find out what awaits!
1. January or March
If your anniversary is in January or March, get ready because luck is coming your way in twos! When one good thing happens, another even better thing will follow. Your luck is related to your finances, and it will strike when you least expect it!
2. February or April
If your anniversary is in February or April, be patient because your luck is going to take a little while to get here! But when it does, it will be HUGE. This luck will be related to health and someone you love will share this luck with you and your partner.
3. May or July
If your anniversary is in May or July, you will receive your luck almost immediately and it will be related to fertility and family. This positive outcome will change you for the better, so you better get ready!
4. June or August
If your anniversary is in June or August, your luck is going to take its time getting to you but it’ll be worth it. Your luck is related to your living situation and possible upcoming vacations. Prepare for positive changes and much-needed relaxation time!
5. September or November
If your anniversary is in September or November, your luck will appear to you quickly but it will be disguised. You’ll realize it soon enough, and it will be related to your relationships. You will experience great improvements that you and your partner can share equally.
6. October or December
If your anniversary is in October or December, you will have constant luck that seems too good to be true. It will come in the form of new opportunities that you need to seize as soon as they appear. Don’t hesitate, it’ll be worth it!
Everyone could always use a little luck sometimes, and your anniversary is the happiest time for it to hit! Are you excited to see what the future brings? If so, pass this article on to your friends and family with special anniversaries!