What Do You See First? That Animal Tells Your Personality

May 18, 2018

Look at the following image and pick out the animal you see first.

Everyone has an animal that they spot right away when they look at the picture. What you immediately see actually says something about your personality. What animal jumped out at you? Pick one and then read on to learn more about your personality and what you can do to be happier!



Did you see the owl first? If so, you probably find yourself looking inwards a lot. You take a lot more time than necessary to figure out what steps you will be taking next. While it is good to be cautious, it doesn’t hurt to think outside the box every now and again.


Choosing the lion shows that you are a very passionate individual. However, you may come off as hot-headed at times because of it! You get angry because you strongly believe in what you are doing, but it is better if you try to focus your mind on more positive thoughts when this happens.


Seeing the wolf first means that you are a very guarded individual. You have been hurt before and you don’t want to get hurt again, so you tend to clam up at times. You need to figure out a way to open up to the people you love and drop your guard a bit. You don’t want to be saddled with a lot of harmful emotions all of the time!


Did you see the tiger first? If so, you have struggled often in life, but that doesn’t mean you want pity from others. Try to voice your feelings and opinions more often, especially in situations where it is important to stand up for yourself.


Seeing the cobra first shows that you have a shy side. You may not have the best self-esteem and your self-confidence is often low. Try to believe in yourself a little more every day until you shine like the star you are!


If the first animal you saw was the bat, this shows that you pay a great deal to details and are very emotional in life. Don’t be afraid to speak up! You have great ideas and you are almost always right when it comes to your personal suggestions.


Seeing the puppy first shows that you are a very devoted person. You are loyal to those around you and they love you for it! You have great organizational skills, but you may need to let go a little and have a good time!

Was your picture accurate? Let us know in the comment section and make sure everyone you know sees this!