What Do You Really Need To Get Rid Of This Summer, According To Your Zodiac Sign?
Jun 13, 2018
Change is the only constant thing in our lives. We can never know happiness without pain, success without failure, confidence without doubts and summer without a winter. Every winter, we wish for the bright sun to shine upon us. We crave for the warmth, the sunshine and the joy that summer brings with itself. Every summer, we want to start afresh, finish some pending tasks from the last one and hope for new beginnings. One of the essential parts of change requires us to let go. It's the time to drop few things from your life. This summer 2018, let your zodiac sign guide you away from darkness and into the light.
So put some happy music on, wear your big bright smile and get ready to paint your life with your favorite colors this summer. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. Make this a summer to remember and get rid of the following, according to your zodiac sign and be happy.
Aries: The Competition
Hey you awesome Aries, I know you were not born to fit in but stand out. Especially when it's your career, you don't want to stop because you have worked so hard to be where you are. But you have to slow down.
And you may feel like you are not moving ahead and that's because your ruling planet Mars may start retreating around the last week of June until the end of August. It means you have to be more patient than ever and be humble. Sometimes we have to take few steps backwards so that we can make a big leap into something grand and beyond our imagination.
You can expect some Venusian showers of love and beautiful things as the planet of relationships, Venus, moves in your fifth house of passion and commitment in July. This visit from the Venus will fill your life with hope, love and all things good.
Taurus: Negative Energy
Your life is full of all possible human emotions, and it's so natural to feel overwhelmed. The roller coaster ride was brought in your life last month by Uranus, the planet of chaos. You will find yourself questioning yourself constantly, which isn't a bad thing but it may cause you to overthink and attract negativity.
So, it's the perfect time to do the things that make you happy and confident in life. Be the person with good vibes, and that is what you will get in return as well.
One of the key strengths of your sign is commitment. There is no going back once you have made up your mind. So, it only makes sense to commit to something that will help you grow as a person and add value and positivity in your life.
Gemini: Attention Seeker Friends
My dear Gemini, this summer, you will have to make some crucial choices. Thanks to the planets, Saturn and Pluto, you will be forced to face the truths and re-consider a lot of friendships that you once let in your life.
As necessary as it may sound, this decision making also takes up a lot of energy, and you may find yourself questioning your core values. But having a conversation with oneself is not a bad idea at all. So don't feel guilty to cancel some plans and spend time with yourself.
Mercury, your ruling planet, will make sure you miss some of your appointments on your calendar anyway. But you have to treat this as a blessing in disguise and finally get that alone time, which you not only want but need.
Cancer: Running away from confrontation
Yes, it's your birthday month, but that doesn't mean you will allow yourself to sit through something you have been avoiding for long and hoping to work out. You know you are thinking it, just not saying it.
It will only accumulate in your heart and mind, the things you are not saying. The stars are pushing you to reevaluate your relationships, but you are avoiding it, and it's not a good move. It's time to have the confrontation you have been running from.
You can expect some good news related to self-love as the planet of love; Venus moves into your second house of income until the first week of July.
Leo: Binging
It will be very natural to get carried away this summer, with Venus in your sign, making you all charismatic and successful. While you should use this positive energy to move ahead but at the same time, you should keep a check on spending habits.
The planet of transformation, Pluto along with the taskmaster Saturn are working hard to make sure you don't take your health for granted. So prevention is better than cure.
You are a sign who knows love so make sure you don't let the love in your heart stay inside. Talk about it, especially in a relationship that makes you happy.
Virgo: Seeking Approval
You will be a social butterfly this summer. You will be able to enjoy a quality life which is more than the mundane routine. So be yourself and tell your story. The world is ready to listen.
But if you are unsure, nervous and skeptical, it's not your fault. Saturn and Pluto are having fun meddling in your areas of creativity and optimism. Don't let anything dull your sparkle and you will shine like a diamond.
Mercury, your ruling planet, will move back in time, giving you an excellent time to introspect yourself on a spiritual level. Be patient and believe in the good in the universe.
Libra: Holding Back
A rendezvous with your past will bring back some suppressed emotions and cause chaos. You are not doing it. It's Pluto, the planet of transformation and Saturn, the planet of restructuring. The baggage from the past will bring you down Libra, let it go. It's not the right time to travel back in time, especially when your future is waiting for you.
It's time to bring forth the jewels hidden inside your artistic soul. It's time to dance to your tune and move forward.
Scorpio: Gossip
What is that feels like a lot of fun but not when it's about you- gossip! You don't want the spotlight that Venus, the planet of love and charm, is trying to put on you. Your reputation might be at stake with what you post online.
You will have lots to say, but this doesn't mean you should say whatever you feel like. Think before you talk. Your ruling planet, Mars, will aggressively interfere with your inner peace, making you lazy and disinterested. Treat this as time off and use the energy in your favor.
Sagittarius: Spending without thinking
The summer looks promising, especially in the love zone. But this also brings a warning to keep a check on your splurging. Be mindful when it comes to finances.
The cosmic meddlers, Pluto and Saturn, will be busy entering the areas of your income and self-worth. You will think about security a lot. The love in your heart will cross borders, thanks to the planet of love and relationships, Venus. Maybe this is the summer you were waiting for!
Capricorn: Intimidating People
You are a no-nonsense person. But this doesn't allow you to scare people away. You can be kinder and softer. You are in luck because, Pluto, the planet of transformation along with your ruling planet, Saturn, are at work to make you grounded, and so far you are doing very good.
Despite your straight face and ruthless honesty dear Capricorn, you are as much capable of giving and receiving love, like any other sign. Just don't forget to smile often. And if it makes you happy, do it again.
Aquarius: Staying indoors
You will feel you are moving backward, thanks to the planet Mars. It means you will feel lazy and will tend to procrastinate things. So staying indoors, clinging to your TV will only worsen it.
The time when nothing is happening in your life, or it's happening at a slow rate is often treated as an unproductive phase. But if you look clearly, it is a good time to reassess and re-evaluate things in your life. Please use this time to analyse what it is that you really desire.
Thanks to Venus, the planet of love and relationships, you may find love, if you are single.
Pisces: Your Mobile Phone
You need a cellphone detox. Yes, even if you are making great use of technology and not abusing it, you still need to spend some time with yourself. The stars and planets are working in your networking zone.
The good news is, Venus, the cosmic cupid, will enter your sixth house and beautiful things will start happening. You have to take advantage of this time.
Let your zodiac sign help you decide what you need to let go this summer! Show this to a zodiac-obsessed friend so you can detox together!