Warning About New WhatsApp Game Called 'Momo,' Which Is Called The Next Blue Whale
Aug 08, 2018
The WhatsApp game "Momo" is a disturbing new online craze for young people. It's also putting them in great danger, authorities warn. Like it's predecessor, "Blue Whale," this game challenges young people to perform very unsafe activities.
The way 'Momo' works is by choosing vulnerable targets, such as younger teens and even pre-teens. Using the platform WhatsApp, those who play along are given orders to do more and more dangerous activities. They are pressured to obey the "controller" and threatened mercilessly should they refuse.
Talk about a recipe for disaster!
The game may have already led to tragedy for one young girl in Argentina. 'Blue Whale' got so out of control that 130 young people in Russia alone died playing it when they were ordered to kill themselves! Clearly, parents who allow their teens and tweens online should keep their kids as far away from these destructive games as possible!
The game's insidious appeal lies in its mysterious nature. The "controller," a shadowy figure, starts out by sending horrific images to the chosen prey over WhatsApp. If the young person refuses to play along with their mission, the "controller" begins to send threat after threat.
The death of a 12-year-old girl by suicide in the town of Ingeniero Maschwitz, which is near Buenos Aires, Argentina, has been potentially linked to the 'Momo' game by investigators. The girl reportedly took a video of herself on her cell phone shortly before her suicidal death. An 18-year old whose identity has not been disclosed is suspected to have been communicating with the victim of this awful internet plot.
Police released the following statement: "The phone has been hacked to find footage and WhatsApp chats, and now the alleged adolescent with whom she exchanged those messages is being sought."
They believe that the girl was attempting to load the video onto her social media as part of a "Momo" game challenge. In various countries throughout the world authorities are trying to make parents aware of the dangers of this hideous trap so cleverly disguised as a game.
"Momo" is a gruesome depiction of a woman with nightmarish features. It was originally a sculpture created by an artist named Midori Hayashi from Japan. The artist has no affiliation with the game.
Young people often get a thrill out of doing things that involve risk-taking. What they don't realize is how psychologically damaging these types of games can be in the long run. It's not like watching a show on television, which, though sometimes disturbing, is a passive activity. The interactive nature of games like 'Momo' and 'Blue Whale' makes them extremely dangerous and enticing. Children need to be encouraged to say no to any pressure they may be under to play these types of games.
If you know of anyone who young person you suspect may be at risk from playing a game like "Momo," you can get in touch with your local authorities and find out what steps you should take to help prevent another tragedy.
What are your thoughts about this disturbing game? Let us know your reaction to finding out about 'Momo'! Pass this story along to warn parents about this potentially deadly game!