Want To Stay In Your Relationship? Never Say These 7 Things

Apr 10, 2018

Relationships get the best of everyone, and sometimes we speak before we think. However, if you want a healthy relationship, avoid saying these common relationship killers.

1. "I told you so."

We learned this phrase as children and we should leave it behind as teenagers. Unfortunately many adults still say this phrase to scorn someone else's mistake. Instead, put yourself in their shoes and be sensitive to their feelings. Essentially, stop rubbing salt in their wounds.


2. "You Can't Do That."

You're not a parent, you're a partner. Instead of trying to be above them, be next to them as an equal. When you take on the role of their parent, they will feel that childlike urge to do exactly it is you're telling them not to do.

3. "Stop being so emotional."

This is especially a killer if a man says this to a woman and blames her emotions on "that time of the month." Humans are very emotional creatures and instead of viewing emotions as a weakness, see them as a strength. Communicating your feelings is the best way to grow intimacy and trust. Don't force your partner to feel self-conscious or silly for something that would genuinely upset anybody.

4. "You always..." or "You never..."

Such broad statements are especially hurtful because they're never accurate. Instead of scolding your partner by saying that they never help you clean the house, appreciate them when they do and ask if they can help you again. A kind approach will get you the results you're looking for instead of a mean one. If you think they never do something, then they'll prove how much they did do by not doing it ever again.

5. "If you really loved me, you'd..."

Never try to guilt trip your partner or give them an ultimatum because it never ends well. This is the fastest way to make your partner uncomfortable and feel like they're not worthy of the relationship. Instead, if you want them to do something for you, ask nicely.

6. "I don't care..."

You DO care, or else you wouldn't be in the relationship, but when you say that phrase, you're telling your partner that you're not invested in the relationship.

7. "Whatever."

This is frustrating for anyone in an argument. Collect yourself and strive for a thoughtful conversation so you two can fix whatever is bothering you.

Make sure you pass this article on to your friends and family so they know when it's time to get out of a relationship, or to stop them from saying the wrong thing to their partner!