Veteran Carries Fellow Marine Who Lost Both His Legs In Afghanistan Up Mountain

Sep 03, 2019

Jonathon Blank and Jonathon Nelson have a true bond that can only come from serving together in the United States Marines.

The two veterans became friends after serving together in the same special operations unit while in Afghanistan 10 years ago. Unfortunately, Blank was injured in an explosion and lost both of his legs while serving overseas.

That has not stopped the pair from hiking together, however. One day while driving past Mount Timpanogos in Utah, Nelson decided that he wanted to take Blank with him to the top.

It is not a surprise that the two would want to tackle this journey together. While in combat, the pair shared an abundance of blood, sweat, and tears while serving their country. Nelson had been right next to Blank when the explosion that claimed Blank's legs went off. Climbing a mountain together was simply a continuation of this bond.

Nelson climbed 14.3 miles to the top of Mount Timpanogos with Blank on his back. This was quite the physical feat, considering that Blank weighs 135 pounds and the hike boasted an elevation gain of 4,500 feet!

Blank said that the hike was significant because it proved to other people that anything is possibleWe can do anything", he told Fox59. "We can maybe instill that mindset into other people.”

This story does make you believe that anything is possible, doesn't it? After you have watched the inspiring video, be sure to spread the message to everyone else in your life. These two heroes should be celebrated for their commitment not only to their nation but to each other.