Veteran Brought To Tears After Marine Grandson He Hadn’t Seen In Two Years Surprises Him For His Birthday

Nov 17, 2022

Home is where the heart is. Even if you have traveled across the seven seas and beyond or have visited the most beautiful destinations in the world, there’s undoubtedly no better place than home. And if you have been away for a while, nothing feels more comforting than coming home to a tight hug from the people you love the most. But for those who had to leave home to pursue their dreams, it’s those long, heart-to-heart hugs from those who believed you could make it that make all the difference.

We often call the members of the United States Armed Forces living heroes – and rightly so. They chose to sacrifice themselves the moment they decided to pursue it as a profession, as there their lives are always on the line. While the thought of it seems heartbreaking enough, it’s even harder for their families, who constantly think about their safety each time they are assigned to new posts.  

While they get to spend time with their family from time to time, the constant longing for their presence and the never-ending feeling of anxiousness are there. But at the end of the day, it’s important to remember what they are doing for the nation. Although it could feel heavy, it’s also fulfilling to know they are doing it for a bigger purpose.

For a member of the United States Marine Corps named Christian Anderson, it’s his grandfather – his inspiration – that made him come home.

Being a marine is more than just a profession for Christian – it’s a passion for lifelong service that runs in the blood. 

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In fact, his grandfather Jeffrey Anderson Sr. is a retired marine who dedicated his life to serving his nation. No doubt, Jeffrey is Christian’s inspiration to pursue his dream of becoming a full-fledged marine.

But when Christian graduated, his grandfather wasn’t able to make it to his graduation as he was still coping with his disability. They hadn’t even seen each other for two years.

So, Christian decided to give him the best surprise of his life by coming home on his birthday back in 2017.

Jeffrey has trouble walking due to his condition. But his family knew it would be perfect to surprise him outside, so they took him out of the house and into the driveway. Since it seemed unusual, he started getting suspicious. So, he slowly turned his head around.

To his surprise, Christian was standing next to him. Christian decided to come home donning his marine uniform since Jeffrey still hadn’t seen him wearing it.

Jeffrey then started breaking into tears before Christian gave him a tight hug. Even the other members of their family couldn’t help but tear up over the emotional moment between the two.

Indeed, it was an emotional exchange between Christian and Jeffrey – and one can see how pure the latter’s joy was when he finally saw his grandchild after a long time. Not only did Christian come home to see his inspiration, but he also made time to see him because he knew time was the enemy this time around. Christian may get to live for several more years, but he can never turn back time to share special moments with his grandfather.

What can you say about the emotional exchange between Jeffrey Anderson Sr. and his grandson Christian? Let us know your thoughts, and pass this on to your family and friends who might find this story interesting!

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