Use These Ten Salt Tricks To Save Money And Time
Mar 29, 2018
Almost every household has a container of salt in the cupboard. Salt is cheap and it can be used for more than you think! Buy it in bulk when you can and save it for the following amazing salt hacks that will make your life so much easier!
1. Unclog Your Drains
Drains get clogged easily. Clear yours with salt by clearing the drain of as much as you can first and then pouring ¼ cup each of salt and baking soda into a bowl. Mix these ingredients up, pour them straight into the drain, and then pour ½ cup of straight vinegar down the drain. After a half an hour, rinse with hot water.
2. Deodorize Your Sneakers
To make your shoes smell fresh, sprinkle a liberal amount of salt in them and let them sit overnight or longer. For an even more powerful concoction, add baking soda. Both will help absorb the smells that you can’t seem to get rid of.
3. Deodorize Your Hands
When you are making dinner and cutting smelly foods such as fish, garlic or onion, your hands will absorb the odors. To remedy this problem, wet your hands and rub a good amount of salt between your palms. Scrub well and then rinse with warm water to deodorize your hands.
4. Get Rid Of Bubbles
Oops! You poured too much dishwashing soap in the sink while you were doing dishes and now you have too many bubbles. Simply sprinkle a pinch of salt on the bottom of your sink to get rid of them all.
5. Wash Shower Curtains
Wash your shower curtain with salt in your washing machine to help prevent mold from growing on it. If you can do so after buying a new curtain, it will keep it set for a longer period of time.
6. Say Goodbye To Ants
Salt works wonders when you don’t want ants to take over your house. Sprinkle salt anywhere you have found ants before. This will help deter them from visiting the area again.
7. Stop A Fire
Salt will extinguish a small fire immediately. Keep a container near your stove to extinguish a fire if one occurs.
8. Clean Your Bathtub
Hate those smelly odors that come from bathroom cleaners? Mix up a batch of your own cleaner by combining salt with lemon, grapefruit, or vinegar. This natural remedy will leave your bathtub clean as can be!
9. Remove Grease From A Pan
Layer a greasy pan with salt and let the grease get absorbed into the condiment. You can also use a small, dry sponge to scrub the salt around the skillet or pan.
10. Remove A Carpet Stain
Red wine or another spot on your carpet? Absorb as much fluid as you can with a sponge and then pour a lot of salt on the stain. Allow it to sit there for at least 12 hours and then vacuum up. The salt should absorb the rest of the stain and leave your carpet looking new!
Will you try any of these tricks? Let your friends and family know about all the amazing things you can do with salt!