UPS Driver Left in Tears As He Sees Entire Neighborhood Come Together For Him

Feb 09, 2021

This last year has shown us that our essential workers are the people who we do not always think about, such as grocery workers and delivery truck drivers. When extraordinary circumstances showed us who the people we truly value to keep our lives running are, many people went out of their way to celebrate the people who have made their lives better during darker times.
Anthony Gaskin is a delivery truck driver from Richmond, Virginia who was surprised to find a celebration waiting for him in the neighborhood that he frequents. So many people had been thankful for his service, and they made to show their gratitude to him in a way that he would never forget. This video from December 2020 is truly heartwarming. 

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

With the coronavirus permeating the entire world, lives have been upended in ways we would never have imagined. This has brought a lot of challenges for people whose lives have been drastically affected by the virus, but it has also given us new perspectives on how the world works. Things that we would never peg into the "important" category, such as hugging someone without worry, have become difficult to come by. We have all found a new appreciation for the small things; a walk in the park with our loved ones, short times we spend with friends and family, and a breath of fresh air that is unrestrained by a mask. 

Along with changes in our lives, the roles and jobs we see as "important" have also changed. In the past, maybe the CEO of a company might have held the highest position in our minds but today, we know that frontline workers and essential workers who do not have the privilege of staying at home are the true heroes. They have continued to make our lives easier and better regardless of how dangerous it got out there. Many countries have recognized and thanked the people who continue to work even today.

One neighborhood in Richmond, Virginia, wanted to thank their favorite essential worker in some way. As the pandemic had spread, it had become imperative that everyone stays at home to remain safe and keep others safe as well. The things that kept a lot of people going, however, were care packages and shopping sprees that allowed a semblance of normalcy that was so desperately needed.

With the soaring number of package deliveries, delivery truck drivers quickly became stable essential workers that everybody depended on. Anthony Gaskin was one such person, and he took his job seriously and always went one step further when it came to greeting people. ABC News reported that Gaskin had been delivering packages in Chester County, Virginia for more than 16 years, and very often, he delivers more than a hundred packages a day.

One resident, Patty Friedman, wanted to thank Gaskin for all the hard work he had put into bringing everybody their packages during the pandemic as well as the holiday seasons. Friedman said that Gaskin is known in the neighborhood for his comforting wave and smile when he drops off packages. 

"He kept being an uplifting, positive, warm and caring part of our lives, without even walking in our doors,” added Friedman. “Anthony was a constant. He made things feel more normal.”

Friedman is part of the Hallsley neighborhood, and she decided to ask if other people also felt the same way about Gaskin. Very quickly, she realized that the neighborhood also thought that Gaskin was a lifesaver, literally and figuratively.  

Friedman said to CBS6, "Through COVID, Anthony has continued working, delivering packages at our doors, record numbers of them, over 180 times to date.” She added, “I wanted to thank him personally for how much he helped me feel welcome when I moved in during a pandemic. It was terribly lonely and he was always the highlight of my day. Mentioning this to a few people and the response I got was all I needed to know I was not alone.”

Together, a large number of people decided that Gaskin deserved a proper celebration of his services and kindness. With the spirit of the holiday season in mind, people came together on December 15th, 2020 to show their appreciation for the man who had become a familiar and comforting presence for so many. 

"Arriving on bikes, on foot, and in more than 75 cars, hundreds of Hallsley residents lined the road and waited for Anthony to turn the corner," Friedman said in an email to CBS6. "A humble man, he needed to be coaxed, but eventually, slowly drove his truck down the road while children and adults held up signs, screamed his name, honked their horns, and rang bells." 

In fact, Gaskin's supervisors also showed up there bearing gifts! This truly sounds like a beautiful way to celebrate a man who has made such a positive impact on so many people. Gaskin was visibly moved by this heartfelt gesture, shedding a few tears as he took in the magnitude of this incredible event. He spoke to everyone briefly and thanked them for their kindness, and then went right back to work, according to CBS 6.

More residents also had praises for the wonderful delivery truck driver. A very grateful mom wrote in an email to CBS 6, "Thank you Anthony for all you do. My six-year-old daughter hasn’t seen either set of grandparents in over a year. This has been very hard on everyone. Many of the packages you deliver are from them. The joy the packages bring makes it worthwhile. Thank you for always delivering them with a kind smile and a friendly wave!"

"Anthony always delivers our packages with a wave and a smile," another appreciative neighbor said. "Sometimes he is the only outside face we see during the day. We appreciate his hard work and dedication during the pandemic, which delivered food, supplies, and even holiday gifts to a high-risk family."

An additional neighbor chimed in and said, "Anthony always smiles, waves, and goes above and beyond to deliver packages with care. He makes you feel like a friend when you see him. He brightens our day, whenever he drops off a package, which is frequently at our house! He stands out from ALL other delivery drivers and we love him! Cheers to Anthony!"

We are so glad to see that a small wave and smile can have such a beautiful and reverberating impact on a whole community. This is a gesture that Gaskin is sure to treasure for the rest of his life.

What did you think of this neighborhood's heartwarming celebration for their delivery truck driver? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! Make sure to share this sweet story with your friends and family as well! 

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