Traumatized Dog With Scars On Her Back And Head Can’t Believe She Has Been Rescued

Oct 31, 2020

Every dog deserves to have a loving home. Unfortunately, some people aren't capable of providing that. Luckily for Harper the dog, who hails from Redland, Florida, a chance encounter a few years back allowed her to end up in the loving home that she'd always dreamed about.

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Redland, Florida has become a "dumping ground" of sorts for people who want to abandon their unwanted dogs, according to the documentary Redland Rockpit. We can't imagine why someone would just abandon their pet, but people do it every day. Redland is swarming with abandoned dogs who need a forever home.

And while she can't adopt them all, Natalie Oliveri wanted to help them as much as possible. She is the president of Furever Bully Love Rescue in Orlando, Florida, which helps to relocate abandoned dogs. As part of her work, she also collaborates with the Redland Rock Pit Abandoned Dog Project, which brings food to the dogs in Redland.

Every time they visit, they bring about 350 pounds of food for the 100 dogs that roam the area, The Dodo reports. We can't even imagine how much these dogs appreciate their kindness. Normally they don't take the dogs home, but when Natalie saw Harper on one fateful trip, she knew she couldn't leave this dog in Redland.

It was clear that Harper had suffered from abuse

During one visit to Redland, Harper approached the group of humans, then immediately dropped to the ground. Clearly, she was terrified of people. When Natalie looked closer, she saw that Harper had scars all over her back. This was no ordinary pooch — this dog had suffered from severe abuse. When Natalie saw this poor dog, she knew she had to take her home.

Natalie brought her to the vet, where she was treated for worms, anemia, and a tooth infection, as The Dodo reports. We don't know how long Harper had lived in Redland, but it seems that Natalie got there just in time. And as you can see from the pictures, Harper was still timid at first. It's perfectly understandable — would you trust people if you'd suffered from abuse like that?

Natalie knew that it would be a long time before Harper began to trust people again. She said that when she brought her home, Harper barely moved for three days. Eventually, she started to trust Natalie and allowed her to pick her up. After a while, Harper began to feel safe with Natalie. She began to realize that not all people are cruel. In fact, some people are loving and affectionate and willing to sacrifice all kinds of things to make their dog happy.

Natalie found the perfect home for Harper

Unfortunately, Natalie couldn't keep Harper. But she found the perfect home for her: a woman named Cheryl Kessler. According to Cheryl's interview with The Dodo, Harper is now much happier. She found the forever home that she'd been dreaming about her whole life. This dog's story is proof that there are caring, compassionate people out there, even if it seems hard to believe at times.

Harper's story has a happy ending, but there are still countless dogs roaming around Redland who need forever homes. If you're in the area, consider reaching out to one of the rescue groups to see if you can adopt one of these dogs. And if you don't live in Florida but want to help animals in your area, try visiting a shelter and meeting the next beloved addition to your home.

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