Toddler Eating Salt And Vinegar Chips For First Time Represents All Of Us
Oct 13, 2020
As with many foods out there, salt and vinegar potato chips can be somewhat of an acquired taste. For one adorable toddler, this is very much the case as she tries to eat some extremely tangy chips for the first time. Her reaction goes from shocked to grossed out and then happily satisfied in a matter of seconds. Her mom, Laura Portwood-Stacer, enjoyed the reaction so much that she uploaded the clip on Twitter this October.
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)
What began as Laura's simple home video has since made its way into the homes and hearts of thousands of YouTubers and more than a million on Twitter — and that number is bound to grow.
The Eyes Don't Lie
In the clip, the toddler does an all too familiar squint with her eyes as the vinegar hits her taste buds. The shock of it all, similar to what a lemon does, is something pretty much everyone can relate to. Soon after, her expression switches to one of thoughtfulness as the other flavors start to kick in.
We've All Been There
One of the reasons the video clip went viral was probably because so many people can relate. Lots of people commented in agreement while some even said they still make that face when they eat salt and vinegar potato chips.
And a Child Shall Lead Them
With so many sad news stories flooding the timeline, Laura thought that posting the video would be a good way to lighten the mood. Well, it did more than lighten the mood — it set it aflame as the video was viewed more than 1 million times on Twitter. With all of the comments as well as the retweets, there was nothing to be salty about on that timeline.
Surprise Surprise
While some people's response to the video was a statement of their dislike for the flavor, the toddler didn't seem to share their sentiment. Although her face went through an array of emotions, some would even say disgust, in the end, she was pleased. When Laura asked her daughter if she liked those chips, the toddler gives her mom a big grin and happily answers, "yeah."
Do you react the same way when you eat salt and vinegar chips? Let us know, and pass this adorable (and relatable!) video on to friends and family members.
What kind of reaction did you have whenever you tried salt and vinegar chips for the first time? Were you as shocked as the little girl in the video? Did you eventually acquire a taste for them? Let us know in the comments and pass this sweet video along to your friends and family!