This Tough Brainteaser Is The Ultimate Test In Logic - Can You Figure It Out?

Apr 17, 2018

This brainteaser may seem simple enough. However, it is specifically designed to trip you up! So what do you have to do?

There are 3 boxes and 3 statements. There is a car in one of the boxes and just one of the statements is true.

Which box has the car?

Have you solved it?

It can't be in box 1 because then the statements under boxes 1 and 3 would be correct but only one statement can be correct.

If the car was in box 3, the statements under boxes 2 and 3 would be correct. However, only one statement is allowed to be correct.


Which means the only true statement is in box 3. So the car is in box 2!


Did you solve it? Challenge your friends and loved to try and figure it out too!