This Stray Cat Picked A Man At Park As Her Best Friend And Refused To Let Him Go

Oct 24, 2018

Have you ever had an animal show up in your life when you least expected it and found yourself with an animal companion that shared your home and heart forever?

For centuries, mankind and domesticated animals have shared a special bond. While no one has yet determined what it is that might cause a puppy or a kitten to immediately attach itself to someone just met, that connection is deep and powerful.

Just ask Kawasaki Hina.

When Hina, a musician heading home, came across the small brown and white kitten in the park, he had no idea his solitary life was on the verge of a drastic change.

The kitten grabbed hold of his leg, luminescent blue eyes wide and focused upon him, and refused to let go. Hina entertained the kitten for a few minutes and decided to continue on his way.

The kitten had other ideas.

Hina would take a few steps. The kitten darted forward, rubbing against him, weaving between his legs. When he’d try to get ahead of it, the kitten put on a burst of speed and caught up with him.

Clearly, something had to be done.

Hina located a small box and gently placed the kitten inside. Once she was safely settled in, the musician carried her home, accompanied by the sound of several happy meows coming from within the box.

Upon arriving at her new home, the kitten did a quick tour of the place, as if making sure it met her requirements. Then, with one last meow, she settled down and immediately fell asleep.

No doubt she had exhausted herself putting on an incredible show of cuteness for Hina.

Two and a half years later, the kitten is now a full-grown cat. Hina named her Vell and she is definitely his family. He had no idea when he’d taken that walk through the park on his way home that he’d find a little ball of fluff that would climb into his heart and soul.

How did your pet make its way into your home? Were you deliberately looking for an animal companion or did one just seem to find you, much the way that Vell found Hina? Go ahead and pass this story along to the animal lover in your life that might enjoy seeing an example of the inexplicable bond between pets and their owners.