This No-Gym 10-Week Workout Plan Will Help Reduce Fat

Jul 30, 2018

Gyms are expensive, crowded, and the inconvenience of traveling to them provides a built-in excuse not to work out. Wouldn't it be great if there was an effective workout that not only provided the benefits of toning, shaping, and cardio but didn't cost anything?

These body-weight exercises don't involve expensive equipment and can be done on the road or at home. The following exercises will work all major muscle groups including the chest, arms, ab, core, and lower body. Do these 2 or 3 days a week, making sure to warm up beforehand, and you'll immediately start to feel better and see the results. Your wallet will look a little fatter though.

Please consult your doctor before trying this or any workout if you have experienced injuries, or if you have any medical conditions. Do each exercise every other day, allowing for a rest day in between. Repetitions, intensity and duration of each is modifiable to help you reach your desired fitness level and goals.

1. Push-ups

Place your hands shoulder-width apart. Keep a straight back and lower your body towards the floor, trying to touch your chest to the floor. Pause briefly. Slowly push up to the starting position. Try to do 10 to start and then increase the reps as you grow stronger.

2. Squats

Stand with your feet hip width apart. With toes pointing straight ahead, and a straight back, begin to bend your knees. Keeping your weight on your heels, lower towards the ground until its as if you are sitting in an imaginary chair. Pause for a quick count and then return to the starting position and repeat. Strive for 2 or 3 sets of 10 and build up from there.

3. Jumping Jacks

In the event you have never done a jumping jack, start by standing straight with your arms at your side and feet together. Jump your legs outward, while simultaneously raising your arms above your head until your hands meet. Repeat until you become slightly winded.

4. Lunges

With hands on your hips and feet slightly apart begin by taking an elongated step forward with one foot. Place your foot firmly and begin to transfer your weight to the foot in front and bend at the knees. Transfer your weight back along with the foot bringing your feet back parallel. With a straight back, repeat with the opposite leg/foot. You should feel a stretch in your hamstrings.

5. Crunches

Lying flat on the floor, with knees bent up and feet firmly planted apart, cross your arms over your chest and slowly raise your head and torso off of the floor or mat. Keep your back straight and your core engaged. Raise yourself up just enough to put tension on your core and then lower yourself back down. Repeat for 10 - 15 reps.

6. Sit-ups

Same position and motion as the crunches but this time raise yourself all the way until you touch your knees with your crossed arms. Repeat 10-20 times or as desired.

7. Planks

Facing the ground, place your toes on the the floor so your feet are perpendicular to the floor. Straightening your back and body into a line, get on to your elbows and toes and hold as long as you can. Engage your core and feel the burn. Repeat 3-4 times during the workout, holding the pose longer as you get stronger.

8. Back Extensions

Lying face-down on the floor with the tips of your toes on the ground and your arms straight out in front of you with palms down, raise both your hands and feet simultaneously. Also lift your head and shoulders slightly. Hold this pose for a moment and then slowly lower both your hands and toes to the ground. Repeat.

9. Burpees

If you do no other exercise, the burpee is enough to get you fit alone. This movement is a little advanced and hard to describe, best if you watch for yourself here. Again, this exercise will work your core, get your heart-rate up, and also work your back, arms, chest, and shoulders. This should be a staple for any workout you do.

10. Mountain Climber 22

Another exercise best as opposed to described. This is another great workout component for elevating the heart-rate and working multiple parts of the body (legs, core, arms and shoulders). Repeat as needed.

These exercises can be done individually, in a circuit or broken up into separate workouts. Remember to challenge yourself to try and do more each time. What do you think? Is this the path to better health and better finances? Comment and get your friends in on the conversation.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!