This Is Why Blunt People Make Amazing Friends

Nov 29, 2018

There's an ancient proverb that teaches that a wound from a friend is better than a kiss from an enemy. Metaphorically speaking, this statement could be applied to a friend who is blunt in their speech to the point of sometimes hurting your feelings. Though we may not always appreciate their brutal honesty, there are plenty of reasons why these extremely straightforward people are valuable to have in our lives. Here are just a few of the benefits of being friends with blunt people.

1. They don't pull any punches

Blunt people are known for not dancing around the truth. If there's something in your life that you ought to change, these friends are the ones you can count on to be completely open and honest with you. For example, if you're dating someone who has pulled the wool over your eyes about their true character, your blunt friend will give you a heads up without worrying about making you mad. These friends actually care about your well being, and this drive leads them to tell you what you need to hear instead of what you want to hear. If you want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, these are the people to turn to in practically any situation in life.

2. They won't fake friendship

One of the most hurtful and demoralizing realizations you can have in life is finding out that someone was just pretending to be your friend in order to get something from you. Whether it's material wealth, status, or some sort of access to another person or thing, there are plenty of people out there who are willing to completely use others for their own benefit. These fake, fair-weather friends are more than willing to toss your friendship aside once they're done using you. Your blunt friends aren't likely to ever fake friendship. That's because they're too brutally honest to pretend they like being with you if they really don't. So, rest assured, if these people want to hang out with you, they will. If they don't, they won't. You won't have to play any guessing games when it comes to knowing their true feelings about you.

3. They tend to bring out the best in others.

As strange as it seems, hanging out with a blunt friend on a regular basis can actually help you to become a better person. Sure, their tendency to willingly point out your faults when they feel it necessary may sting a bit. But they actually care enough about you to let you know what areas of your life you could improve in, whether they be major or minor. Without them around you may never be confronted with the fact that your tendency to crack your knuckles in public is a real turnoff, or that you chew too loudly, or that your chain-smoking habit is probably going to send you to an early grave. And when these friends inform you of your imperfections, you can bank on the fact that they do so with the best of intentions. They don't just want to nit-pick you. These blunt friends actually want to help you make a change for the better. They're masters at offering constructive criticism.

4. They're willing to admit when they're wrong.

Though this aspect of a blunt person may seem contradictory to the other characteristics already mentioned, it actually makes sense when you think about it. Not only are these individuals unusually blunt about other people's faults, but they're often refreshingly honest about seeing and owning up to their own mistakes and character flaws. They're even often times more likely to say they're sorry than people who aren't as brutally honest.

5. They'll stand up for you if you're treated unjustly

Because of their direct, honest natures, blunt friends are absolutely golden when you're being unfairly attacked. They will harness that same courageous, headstrong energy they often use to point out your faults to you to rush to your defense. Blunt friends are also loyal. They're not likely to stab you in the back like some of your other so-called friends.

Different types of friends bring their strengths and weaknesses into the arena of our human relationships. From considerate, gentle friends to blunt and direct friends, each type of person can enrich our lives. If you're looking for the type of friend who will always be there for you but won't stand by and watch you get off on the wrong path without warning you, a blunt friend would be the ideal close friend for you.

What about you? Are you blunt to the point that people consider you brutally honest? Or do you have someone in your life that fits that description? We'd love to read your thoughts in the comments! Pass this story along to anyone in your life who would appreciate learning about what makes blunt people such amazing friends!