This Is What Your Birth Sign Says About Your Personality

Mar 12, 2018

Many people believe that astrology can exert tremendous influence over our personalities and the events which shape our lives. More than 58% of young adults now believe that astrology is a science which can offer psychological insights.

Horoscopes are addictive and fun, but what about your other compulsions? Here's what your Zodiac sign says about the things that could be an addiction for you.

Aries Love Coffee And Tea

Coffee and tea are popular drinks, but an Aries just can't seem to live without them. This is probably because those born under this sign tend to live all the way up. They need that extra boost so their body can keep up.

A Taurus Is A Foodaholic

You're probably a foodie if you were born under this sign. You love fine things in life and good food is on the top of your list. For you, no event is complete without the perfect array of dishes that you love to pick and cook. You also love pampering your friends with home-made delicacies! 

Geminis Love Being Up-to-date

You love staying connected and you love staying on top of everything. You are hooked to social media, the latest trends and technology and friends are always turning to you for advice on anything and everything that is trending.

A Cancerian Loves Romance

There are certainly worse things to be addicted to than romance. The danger for you is that you fall fast and hard. You'll have your share of heartache along the way, but you will also likely find the perfect soulmate.

A Leo Is A Shopaholic

You are definitely the queen of the shopping jungle. It is hard for you to resist splurging on yourself. Not that it's all selfishness. You will also spend freely on gifts for those closest to you. Keep an eye on your finances and stick to a budget.

A Virgo Is Too Kind

You are too kind and as a result, too many people exploit you and take advantage of you. Your large heart makes you a target for those who will try to prey upon your caring nature. Stand firm and strong when it comes to relationships.

A Libra Loves Butterflies In The Stomach

Robert Palmer was singing about you! The danger for a Libra's addiction is that it doesn't always lead to long-lasting relationships. You get bored easily and crave those feelings that accompany new love. Find ways to keep the romance in your relationship and you'll be fine.

A Scorpio Loves Playing Games

You love playing games, you love a good tease and love teasing other people. This makes you a very attractive flirt and you draw the opposite sex with your oozing charisma. Deep down, you are scared of commitment which is why the games drive you but once you finally win over the battle raging in your heart you are the most committed of all in a relationship. You will still games with your partner but the ones that you both truly enjoy! 

Pisces Are Sleepaholics

You love being cosy and one would have to offer the world to you in exchange for getting out of bed. And when you do finally make your way out of the bed you lounge around in your PJs! You are chilled out person who is not bothered by the rat race everyone else is in. 

Sagittarius Love To Travel

You have a strong sense of wanderlust that drives you to explore new places. Embrace it. The truth is that your travels will lead you on exciting adventures, and traveling isn't going to cause lingering issues like some other addictions will. The downside is that you are a hard person to pin down for long-term relationships.

Capricorns Are Perfectionists

You have a passion to be the best at everything, so you can tend to be a workaholic. Be sure to take time for the pleasures of life, and spend moments with those you care about.

Aquarius Are Bookaholics

You are an intellectual that really loves to escape. The technological world leaves you flat. You would much rather immerse yourself in a good book instead. Just be careful and don't allow yourself to become too detached from reality. On second thought, go for it!


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