This Incredible Plant Will Bring Good Energy And Good Fortune Into Your Home
Nov 14, 2018
If you love having plants in your home, you'll definitely want to check out this one. Not only is it vibrant and beautiful for enhancing the comfort of any room, but, this plant actually has a history of exuding positive energy and bringing good fortune to its owner.
Plants can add that finishing touch in any room adding just the right amount of color, height, or contrast that you are looking for. The types of plants also say a little something about their owners, as well. Different plants are for different people. They also seem to bring a room to life with both their presence and soft, gentle, flowing movements.

We already know that plants breathe in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen so they help to purify the air which is pretty amazing if you think about it. What a great example of the circle of life. But, what if there's a plant out there that can do even more? What if it could make you prosperous?
Presenting Crassula Ovata, commonly known as the jade plant, also referred to as the friendship tree, lucky plant, or even the money tree. With its deep green leaves and pink or white flowers, it is a beautiful specimen. Originating from South Africa and Mozambique, its popular for both being easy to care for as well as for its legendary spiritual benefits.
Requiring very little water, the jade plant is technically an evergreen with thicker branches. The leaves can have a bit of yellow and may turn red on the ends if exposed to too much sunlight. But, the most beautiful thing about the jade plant is the story of inspiration behind it.
Many years ago, there was a poor farmer who worked very hard every day. Even though he had toiled for years and was still poor, he would not give up. Every morning he would get up at dawn and get in as much work as possible before the sun set in the evening. Regardless of the futility of his life, he would not give up.
One day, on the way home from working all day, he noticed a small plant on his path. The brilliant jade colored leaves caught his attention. He took the plant home and as he admired its beauty, he began to pray to God for a better life where all of his efforts would afford his family more opportunities.
After many more years, the farmer's luck finally started to change. His hard work was finally paying off as he was able to give his family a very comfortable life. He continued to pray and look at the plant every day and his fortune continued to grow. He firmly believed that he was somehow being rewarded for taking such good care of this little plant and that the plant was helping him to communicate with God.
This explains why jade is used in Asia as a lucky charm. The vibrant green leaves are thought to give off positive financial energies. A great gift for newlyweds, jade plants are also popular for businesses to put at their front door as good-luck charms to bring in business and prosperity. Because of all its supposedly positive spiritual qualities, it's also popular at Chinese New Year celebrations.
Being known as a friendship plant, it's a popular plant to give as gifts to friends and acquaintances. If the plant is vibrant and colorful, it means that you have taken good care of it. According to the lore, giving a friend a beautiful jade plant shows how much you care for them.
The jade plant symbolizes joy, wealth, friendship, prosperity, and accomplishment. Do you have any historically significant folklore that you personally believe in? Let us know in the comments and show this article to your friends and family to encourage them to get their own jade plants and reap the benefits!