This Dad Came Up With An Appropriate Punishment After His Son Gave A Longtime Bully A Taste Of His Own Medicine

Jul 21, 2018

Bullying is bad. It's totally unfair. That's why this bully's favorite victim retaliates against him.

It is, however, a relatively common phenomenon. Psychologists have nailed down several phenomena to explain why bullying takes place, though that doesn't mean school officials, managers in the workplace, or other leaders can readily prevent bullying from happening.

Everybody with even one ounce of good in their hearts loves to hear about victories from behind - tried-and-true underdog stories like Rocky or David and Goliath.

Bullying isn't ever a fun topic to hear about. However, you'd be lying if you said you didn't feel good for the underdog who constantly gets victimized by bullies showing their evil counterparts up. That's what this story is about.

Let's consider the case of an Imgur user's cousin, who had been bullied for months. The same crew had sought out and picked on that boy every single day for far too long.

You won't believe what happened to his longtime bully.

On Friday - a day most people look forward to - the bully didn't let a high schooler's little cousin from boarding the school bus. The innocent cousin asked the bully time and time again to move. All the boy wanted was to board the bus.

Finally, the boy had decided he'd had enough, and fought back, giving the bully a taste of his own medicine.

The school system's school resource officer broke the retaliation up, sent both the victim and his bully to the principal's office. Despite a video of the entire fight surfacing, the principal suspended both students. Both the bully and the wrongful, innocent victim were suspended.

Want to know the best part about it? The victim's parents rubbed the fact that they wouldn't punish him in the bully's parents' face.

They even decided to take him out for a day of fun on his last day of suspension, making it clear to the school that they would not be punishing their son for standing up for himself. Read the full recount of the situation on Imgur.

Do you think this was a good way to handle this situation? Let us know in the comments and tell us what you might have done differently if it was your son!