This Confused Little Donkey Has No Idea What He Is, And It Has The Internet Cracking Up

Jul 22, 2018

This adorable donkey has lived his entire life thinking he's a dog. He plays fetch with his owners, begs for food and belly rubs, wags his tail when he's happy, and drags his favorite chew toys around the house. According to his owners, he was even easier to potty train than their real dogs!

But life wasn't always so easy for this peculiar little man. When Tiny Tim was born he only weighed 10 pounds, roughly 40 pounds below the normal weight for his breed. The owner's wife initially thought the newborn was a rabbit because he was so small.

The little guy was struggling with liver complications and other woes that made the veterinarian shake their head in disbelief when asked if the donkey would survive. But his owners wouldn't give up. The couple brought Tiny Tim into their home and bottle-fed him every 20 minutes until he started putting on weight.

Tiny Tim grew stronger by the day - as it turns out, the couple's determination to keep the little donkey alive was all he needed. After seeing the way Tiny Tim interacted with the other dogs in the family, it quickly became clear that he was a member of the pack.

Watch the full, heartwarming video below to see this adorable species-confused donkey in action.

Have you ever seen anything like this? Let us know in the comments, and show this to your friends and family to put a smile on their face!