This Adorable Little Girl Singing Elvis Will Be The Best Thing You'll See All Week

Oct 22, 2018

It is no secret that Elvis Presley has legions of fans. But what may come as a surprise is how young some of his adoring fans really are. Sweet little Ella Mae is capturing the hearts of many with her rendition of Elvis' classic song, "An American Trilogy".

Decades after the unfortunate passing of The King, his music is still alive in the hearts and souls of generations of fans, even those who were not alive during his lifetime.

At a mere 20 months of age, Ella Mae is one of Elvis' biggest fans. The song in the video was originally introduced to Elvis by his wife Priscilla. Despite it being a complicated song to perform, Elvis fell in love with it right away.

What is more surprising is that a toddler can master the lyrics and emotion of the song with such expertise. The viral video begins with Ella Mae strapped in her car seat as her dad starts the car. Ella Mae's excitement is contagious as she begins chanting "Daddy!" repeatedly. 

Ella Mae's dad turns on her favorite Elvis song and she can't help herself and starts to sing along. Belting out all of the words loud and clear, it is obvious how much Ella Mae loves this song.

The performance skills of Ella Mae really shine as she puts all of her emotion into singing the song. Every facial expression and gesture demonstrates her love for Elvis and his music. Her audience of millions can't help but be enamored by her endearing performance. 

What really puts the Ella Mae show over the top is her occasional pausing to call out to her daddy. Dad seems to be impressed as well, grinning during the entirety of his little girl's performance.

Don't keep this adorable performance all to yourself. Spread the cuteness around and let your friends also experience the heartwarming performance of Ella Mae.