These Simple Tips Will Help You Grow Unlimited Supply Of Lemons In Your Own Home
May 07, 2019
Lemons are a fruit that is used in almost any kind of food or cosmetic recipe. Besides being so versatile in their use, lemons are also surprisingly easy to grow at home. Lemons from the supermarket can be sprayed with various pesticides. When you grow them at home, you will have organic lemons apart from the fact that they are beautiful to look at.
Lemon Tree Type: Standard or Dwarf
If you do not have space to grow your lemons outdoors because of the tree's large size of 15 to 20 feet, do not fear. This is only the standard tree version. There are also dwarf lemon trees that do not grow as large and can give lemons even indoors.
You can go to a local nursery to purchase a dwarf tree that is at least three-years-old. Growing a lemon tree from seed will require at least four years before you see any fruit from it.
The dwarf varieties that are used for indoor growing are Lisbon Lemon, Dwarf Eureka, and Improved Meyer.
Finding the Right Pot
The pot that is to be used must be at least 25% larger than the root of the lemon tree. A clay pot is better for the tree as it will allow excess humidity to evaporate from its porous walls. This will benefit the lemon tree that does not favor excess humidity.
Growing Lemons in a Pot
When you have a grown lemon tree, you will need to re-pot it every 3-4 years in the first part of spring. If you live somewhere warm, you can do this at the beginning of the winter. Another sign that the tree needs repotting, even if it is not the time for it yet, is when the leaves start turning brown and drop without any other reason. Of course, the new pot must be a size bigger than the previous one.
Caring for Your Lemon Tree
As far as sunlight is concerned, the lemon tree loves abundant sunlight for around 7-8 hours per day. If the tree is situated indoors, make sure that it is in a place where natural sunlight can reach it. This could be the balcony or the patio.
Lemon trees love to be watered regularly. Overwatering or underwatering it can turn its leaves yellow or make them curl. Of course, the plant will require less water in the winter and more in the summer.
Lemon trees do well with a humidity of 50% and a temperature between 50 °F and 82°F. A temperature that falls below 30 °F can become threatening to the tree. Only the Meyer lemon tree is able to tolerate a lower temperature of around 24 °F.
A special fertilizer for citrus plants will do the job to boost the growth of the tree. If there is no such available, opt for a slow-release one like NPK 12-6-6. Excess foliage of the tree will be best to be pruned and pinched. Pinch the growing tips of branches that are 5 inches long. Pruning should start when there is new growth in February and March. Only prune dead and diseased branches as other are part of the plant's food storage -- pruning healthy branches will reduce the quality of the lemons.
When harvest time comes, the fruits of the tree will be soft, yellow, and heavy. The crops will depend on the weather and the type of tree. However, you will know when the fruits are ripe for picking.
Do you have your own lemon tree at home? What is your experience with it? What type of tree did you get, and what are your care tips for this beautiful plant? Let us know in the comments!