These Are The 6 Most Important Thing That Happens To A Woman When Her Heart Isn't In It Anymore

Jun 21, 2018

Everyone enjoys falling in love. The heady rush, the giddy feelings, the intoxicated longing – it makes us want to be with that special someone forever. But when your love starts to cool off, those feelings start to change. How can you be sure that it’s time to move on? If you recognize these six signs in your relationship, you can be sure that it’s time to look elsewhere for love.

Feeling Bored When You’re Together

Are you not feeling any spark when you’re close together? Are your dates feeling dull instead of exciting? If so, the light has certainly gone out of your relationship.

Thinking About Him Less When You’re Apart

When a relationship is strong, you think about each other constantly. Therefore, when you have a hard time remembering to think about him at all, you’re probably not in the right relationship anymore.

Simply Not Feeling Happy or Satisfied

Feeling dissatisfied or unhappy in a relationship is a sure-fire sign that you’re losing interest in him. It’s time to pack your bags and move on to the next guy; don’t stick around just because you think you owe him something.

Same-Old, Same-Old

Does every day feel the same? If you feel contented and fulfilled by your relationship – great! If you feel run down by the sameness, that’s a sign that you need to break up and move on. This feeling of sameness can make you feel tired and used up; no one deserves this!

You Don’t Much Care If It Ended

Imagine the relationship ending – how does this scenario make you feel? If you feel relief or even nothing at all, then you definitely need to make a change. This relationship is keeping you from living your best life, so take the initiative and let it go.

You Don’t Care About What He Thinks About You

Early on in the relationship, you probably put a lot of effort into looking good for him, right? Even if you don’t put forth the same kind of effort, you still care about what he thinks about you. If you don’t, you definitely don’t love him like you used to.

These are just six of the definite signs that indicate it’s time to end a relationship. Sure, calling it quits with a guy can be really difficult, especially if you have been together for a long time. However, if you find yourself simply not caring much about him or not caring much about the relationship, you need to do yourself a favor and move on to something better.

Do you know someone in a relationship like this? Show them this list and hear what they have to say. Let us know your thoughts!