These Are The 22 Things That Happen When Your Soul Is Getting A Quantum Upgrade
Jun 07, 2018
Everybody experiences big changes or shifts in their life. Maybe you moved to a new city, started a new career or relationship, or changed your diet. However, some shifts in your life are larger and mean bigger things than different surroundings or trimming a bit of belly fat. These changes are in your soul, and they’re known as quantum upgrades-- a burst of energy from the universe to push you in a whole new direction. Whether you often work with energy or not, these 22 signs can indicate that a quantum upgrade is occurring in your life.
1. Heightened Awareness
You may be feeling or sensing things that were hidden to you before, or that you wouldn’t normally pick up on.
2. Stronger Intuition
You’re getting stronger and more insistent “gut feelings,” so to speak… and more often than not, you’re noticing that they’re right.
3. Connection
You suddenly feel more linked to nature and the universe as a whole. You feel more grounded and content with being part of something bigger than yourself.
4. Energy Sensitivity
You’re picking up on auras and energies you previously couldn’t. This may feel similar to intuition, but as if you can feel the vibrations of people and objects around you.
5. Feeling Drawn To Spiritual Practices
The world of spirituality has a sudden allure to it that it may not have had before as your energies begin to move and demand release.
6. Change In Breathing
You may be breathing deeper and longer for reasons you can’t understand. Air flow is one way to keep the movement of energy throughout your body stable and healthy, and with the sudden burst of energy, your body is taking more air to move this energy.
7. Mental Health Changes
Increases in problems like anxiety or depression may mark your emotions struggling to keep up with the changes as your energy and goals shift with the upgrade.
8. Increased Motivation Toward Long-Term Goals
With the sudden increase of energy, you naturally focus on those things that are important and far away to remain centered.
9. Energy Point Activations
The major energy points (or chakras) in your body feel clearly to you as if they’re activating, one by one. You can feel each point as it fills with energy.
10. Ability To Sense Ill-Intentions
Lies are easier to pick out than before as you pick up on smaller details, like tells.
11. Awareness Of The Flow Of Love
Like all cycles, life and love is an unavoidable fact of life. You are beginning to accept this flow.
12. Social Magnetism
People, both new faces and old friends, see you in a new light and flock to you.
13. Change In Sleeping Patterns
As with all major changes, you may lose sleep or sleep a lot as your body adjusts.
14. Feeling Of Flying
You always feel as though you’re floating on air, on top of the world. This can turn into an emotional roller coaster… flying isn’t easy.
15. Deja Vu
As the universe gives you a heads up to what’s coming next, you may commonly feel as though you’ve seen something before or knew that something was going to happen.
16. Introversion
You may need to take a step back and spend time alone to process the changes that are occurring.
17. Appreciation For Nature
You may suddenly notice the natural beauty of the earth more as your energy aligns with it.
18. Higher Vibration Than Peers
You may either notice more respect from those around you or more attitude, because people around you can sense better than you can that you’re vibrating on a higher frequency than they are.
19. Urge To Unplug
You find less interest in knowing about worldly matters, and you’re likely to skip the evening news or log off of facebook for a few weeks.
20. Coincidences
Meaningful little things seem to happen to you constantly, defying the odds. Perhaps you see a repeating number or a symbol everywhere you go, or get an unnatural lucky streak.
21. Animal Magnetism
You have more encounters with animals, and the encounters tend to be odd and contain hidden messages.
22. Bored With Routine
As your energy shifts and changes, your regular old routine seems boring, and you prefer to do things outside of the box.
Are you going through a quantum upgrade? Maybe you already have? What about your friends? Pass this article along and see how many of your peers are vibrating on a higher frequency!