These All-Natural Yet Effective Techniques Will Help You Detox Your Body From Nicotine For Good

Jul 02, 2018

Nicotine is the cause of more addiction than any other substance on the planet, according to the CDC. Like other dangerous addictive substances, the nicotine found in tobacco can cause serious withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit. Symptoms include cough, weight gain, stress, nightmares and emotional disturbances. Giving up smoking is different for everyone who tries it. Some people can stop cold turkey the first time. Others quit over and over before it finally sticks. The trick is to do it the right way. It's tough, but with self-care and lots of patience, it's possible, and it's possible to do it naturally.

Drink A Lot Of Water

Filtered water is your body's natural way of flushing everything it doesn't need out through your waste system. Instead of turning to cigarettes, take a swig of water whenever you feel a craving coming on. Drink at least 64 ounces of water every single day to help you flush out the nicotine, as well as keep your appetite under control. Find a big reusable water bottle that you can refill throughout the day, so it will be easy to remember to keep drinking.

Eat Lots Of Fruits And Veggies

Not only will consuming a ton of fruits and veggies help you keep weight gain at bay, it will also help you get all of the nutrition you need to detox your body. When it comes to vegetables, think dark green, such as broccoli and spinach. They have a lot of nutrients. Even better, they can be cooked in ways that help you forget you're eating really healthy food.


You should be getting 30 minutes of exercise every day anyway, but it's doubly important when you're kicking a nicotine habit. Exercise is an excellent way to relieve the stress of quitting. It's also a great way to cope with the often intense cravings while you are detoxifying. Exercise releases endorphins, which helps promote a good mood. That is essential when giving up any addiction. Feelings of anger and sadness can lead to relapse. Instead, hit the gym or just go for a walk. It will help lift your mood. 

Distraction Techniques

Your body is going to naturally detoxify once you stop using nicotine, but that doesn't mean that you won't crave it. These cravings can be as severe as those experienced by hard drug users. When the cravings get this bad, sometimes the only thing to do is distract yourself. Do something that really commands your attention. Watch your favorite shows (as long as none of the characters smoke). Get some work done. Practice your favorite hobby. Giving your brain something to do gives you time to get past the most intense cravings.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness is a trick used in meditation that has been adopted by mental health professionals. Essentially, it's the act of living in the moment without placing good or bad values on your thoughts and feelings. It's letting things just be as they are without labeling them. Imagine you are observing these thoughts and feelings from a distance, as a non-biased observer. Spend 15-20 minutes every day practicing this technique so you can use it when cravings occur.

Quitting smoking is one of the hardest and most beneficial things you will ever do for yourself. Do you have any other tips for kicking the habit? Show this to a friend who needs some encouragement, and let us know all about your journey and experiences.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!