These 7 Things Should Never Go In Your Washing Machine

Oct 25, 2018

Laundry is a fact of life for all of us. It seems like it is a never-ending cycle of socks, towels, shirts, jeans, leggings, and so much more. This is especially true if you are doing laundry for your significant other or children.

It never seems to end, does it? But just because we have a lot of laundry to do, doesn’t mean that we have to particularly like it. Tikhonova

It is important to not overlook a few rules when it comes to our laundry duties. It may not sound important, but we can assure you that you’ll think differently when your basement becomes flooded.

In order to avoid a flooded basement or damaged machine, remember to keep the following seven items out of your washing machine:

1. Extra Laundry Product

You need to add laundry soap to the washing machine in order to get your clothes clean. Many people also use fabric softener to make their clothes even softer than usual. But remember, too much soap can actually break the control panel, a costly fix. When you add too much softener to your clothes, it can actually wreck them.

2. Lingerie

When you need to wash your delicate lingerie, remember to read the labels first. Most are not machine-washable, as there are many hooks and wires that can get caught in the machine, damaging it. They can also damage other clothes if you wash everything together.

If you must, wash your lingerie separate, in a special lingerie bag, and on a gentle cycle. Better yet, hand-wash these items and hang them up to dry.

3. Running Shoes

While it may be tempting to throw your running shoes into the wash, don’t. Not only will they be very noisy as they make their way through the wash and rinse cycles, but a pair of shoes can damage the inside of the washing machine.

Not only that, rubber shoes may shrink up in the washing machine, and you can also damage your dryer by placing them inside to dry.

4. Coins

We usually all try to check our pockets for coins before we throw a load in the washing machine. However, there is another good reason to double-check before you hit the “start” button on the machine:

Small coins can easily make their way into the drain pump of the washer, which can then damage the machinery. There have also been reports that the glass doors of front-loading washing machines have shattered by the force of the coins inside.

5. Keys

Again, we all try to make sure that we empty our pockets before we wash clothes, and no one wants to put their keys through a cycle. Remember, those small, sharp metal pieces can wreak havoc on the inside of your machine. Plus, many of the newer key fobs use batteries, which water will then destroy.

6. Baby Socks

You wouldn’t think these would be a problem. But tiny baby socks, hats, and mittens can get trapped in the washer hoses and vents. If you can, hand wash these items or place them separately in a lingerie bag to wash.

7. Extra-Large Loads Pesek

Most of us realize that putting in a too-large load of laundry won’t get the clothes all the way clean. However, you can also ruin the suspension and bearings in your machine when you put too many clothes in the wash at once. It’s always better to separate your laundry into multiple loads.

You can also keep your dryer in tip-top shape with the following tips:

Were you shocked at anything on this list? Do you have anything to add? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to pass this on to family and friends!