These 7 Fashion Faux Pas Can Make You Look Older And Fatter

Jul 17, 2018

Most woman has developed their own style. This could be - elegant, sexy, bohemian, or casual all the time. But sometimes the style that a woman loves doesn’t necessarily suit them! The way we see ourselves usually is about how we feel as opposed to how it makes us look to others. So, it is important to understand that what you have in your closet does not necessarily reflect your best self to the rest of the world. You need to consider some of the following do's and don’ts that could be aging you as well as making you look heavier than you actually are:

1. Ill-fitting bra.

One of the biggest mistakes that women make is buying a bra that is either too small or too large for their frame. That is why many retail stores that sell lingerie either at brick and mortar locations, as well as online, have offered bra-sizing as a service. Retailers and fashion designers know that a bra that does not fit a woman well leads to gaps in their clothing as well as too tight a fit that spills layers of skin over a bra and makes many women look heavier than they actually are. Take a moment and visit a retailer online or in-person and let a professional give you a bra makeover that will give you your actual bra size one and for all and enhance your look as opposed to working against it.

2. Not being adventurous when it comes to colors.

Women have been told for years that the shade of black is a slimming one, so you have a closet full of black clothes for special occasions and days when you don’t feel as slim. In actuality, black puts emphasis on wrinkles as well as any other skin problems you may have. Take the focus off these irregularities and wear a splash of bold colors that bring people’s eye to your youthful fashion choice and brightens your skin.

3. Wearing heels all the time.

Most women think to put on heels with every outfit “dresses it up.” Unfortunately, most women actually do not know how to properly walk in higher heels and will not only develop an unattractive gait as they attempt to walk in them for more hours every day, but they will eventually develop issues with their feet that may need professional treatment. There is a multitude of alternative shoe styles to choose from that will elevate your height, still look formal, and not give others the impression you are in pain or uncomfortable in your own fashion choice of shoe.

4. Wearing baggy clothing.

One of the biggest fallacies that many women live by is that if they wear larger sizes it will make them appear slimmer—not so. In fact, putting on baggy clothes only makes you look like an actual bag! Buying a larger size in a more A-line dress that is still form-fitting but comfortable does wonders to give others an illusion of a thinner stature than trying to cover up your curves altogether.

5. Trying to look like a kid if you aren’t one.

You may have teenagers, but that doesn’t mean you need to wear their clothes even if you can fit into them. There is nothing that screams inappropriate more than an adult who is trying to wear clothes that are several generations removed from who they are. Go for an age-appropriate style instead that lends elegance and even grace to you and tells the world that you have grown far beyond your teenage years.

6. Going overboard with accessories.

You may love to accessorize, but you shouldn’t look like you are wearing the entire jewelry counter all at once! Just as the word tells you, “accessorize” means to accentuate what you have and not overpower it. A hint of bling here and there goes a long way and adds to an already put-together outfit as opposed to overpowering it.

7. Focusing too much on trends.

Just because bell-bottoms are back doesn’t mean they are right for you. There are certain styles that do not do wonders for your height, weight, and overall stature, and you need to know which ones those are and avoid them. If you are on the short side, you certainly don’t want to fill your closet with long skirts that pull your height down even further. You don’t want to go with capri pants that accentuate thicker ankles. Know your weak points and avoid highlighting them with a trendy style just because everyone else is wearing it.

Are there other fashion faux pas you try to avoid? Let us know, and show this to your friends to make sure they're not making these mistakes!